oo Prep Talk oo { A Bullying Story }

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    NOTE: Hey everyone, if you read this book I'll be so happy! This is my very first book I wrote on WattPad so please don't judge it! This book contains vulgar language, drug use, and a little sexual activity. If your not interested in that kind of stuff then don't read it. ~Leshy                                             


Hi, my name is Bella May Rose Stone. I'm a typical 15 year old girl who moved to California. My new high school is Minor Falls High school. I have dark brown hair, blue eyes, 5'5 is my height, and I have a tan skin tone. I'm the only child and my father left my mom when I was born. He is in prison right now for shooting an innocent young lady in her 20's. This is my journal, so I have a story to tell you. It's my first year of high school, and its my bullying story.

                                                             ~Chapter 1~

Bella takes a deep breathe. Her mother strokes her silky smooth naturally curly hair. "Bella, are you going to be okay?" asked her mother.

  "Yea, I think I will be fine." mumbled Bella. Bella unbuckled her seat belt and unlocks her door. She sighs.

"I love you mom, I'll see you at 3."

"Love you too, have a good day." said her mother. Bella gets out of the car and shuts it. She turns around and stares at the humongous high school. Her mom drives away slowly and watches every move her daughter makes. Bella begins to walk up the stoned stairs. She reaches the top and her mother drives away. Bella quickly turns around and notices her mother drove off.

"I can do this, I'm 15 not 5. whispered Bella. Bella walks to the front entrance and slides her card through the card slot to open the door. The door opens and she walks into her brand new school. The hallways were loud. Bella saw couples making out by there lockers, a group of girls gossiping and staring at her as she just stands there, guys that look like jocks messing around like total idiots, and bookworms reading there books by there lockers. Bella begins to walk through the crowded hallway trying to find the Main Office. She accidentally bumps into a girl with blonde hair that was curly, really pretty blue eyes, skinny, and dressed like she was some rich chick.

"Excuse me, watch were you are going!" yelled the blondie.

"I-I, I'm sorry." shyly said Bella.

"I don't want to hear your little dumb excuses, maybe you should go see the eye doctor more often!" yelled the blondie.

"I was just wondering do you know we're the Main Office is?" asked Bella.

"I don't answer tramps." giggled the blondie. Bella began to get really frustrated, because this chick is being such a bitch to her. She left the blondie and the rest of her wannabe followers and began wandering the hallways again. Bella' s face was bright red and upset. She thought in her mind "Am I really a tramp?" Bella put the thought into the back of her mind and focused on we're to find the freaking Main Office at. She bumps into a girl and accidentally knocks her books out of her hands.

"Oh, I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention." said Bella embarrassed.

"That's alright accidents happen." smiled the girl. Bella helps the girl pick up the rest of her supply' s and helps her up.

"Thanks, not many people do that in this hell chambered school." said the girl. "Oh, and you look new, I'm Regan Jones." smiled Regan.

"I'm Bella Stone, and I am new." "I'm trying to find the flippin Main Office, I asked this really pretty blonde girl but she was really rude.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2014 ⏰

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