Naruto's Love Story

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* HEllO EVERYONE!!! So this is my first story ever and, yes, it had to be a yaoi. There will most likely be a whole bunch of punctuation mistakes throughout this entire story Also I don't have that great of a vocabulary so there probably won't actually be a lot of big people words:( so I will apologize in advance for all the grammar Nazi's out there that just happen to be reading this and also you may even find this story vary boring, sad, or not even worth reading cause writing is a lot harder than I thought but I kept trying sooooo..... Yeah



Everywhere I went it felt like everybody was looking at me. It's always been like this

Even as a child.


"Hey Naruto!" I turn around to find three kids in front of me.

"Y-yes Kiba", I replied," Is there something that you need?"

"Why do you always have Whiskers on your face? Why don't you ever wash them off?" As he said that he grabbed my face, pinching as hard as he could, with Choji and Shikamaru laughing like maniacs in the back.

"OWW! That hurts, stop it!" I yelled angrily, knowing that he wouldn't stop no matter how much I begged.

"HAAA? Stop? Why would I stop when we're having so much fun?!" Laughing like a hyena as he spoke. I didn't know what he was going to do and honestly, I really didn't care, I really just wanted to get out of there. He grabbed my hair and dragged me over to Choji and Shikamaru. "Guys, why don't we have a little fun with this play toy I found," he said with an evil tone in his voice. For a second I blacked out, but then I was brought back to reality because a sudden pain was brought out through my entire body. It was so painful, but all I could do was sit there and endure it all.

They kept at it for what seemed to be forever but I knew that it had only been a few minuets. As they were inflicting pain onto me, I heard a familiar voice in the background, but I couldn't quite put my finger on which the voice belonged to, as the voice drew closer, a bad feeling in my gut began to surface.

"What are you guys doing?!" I heard the voice say. I looked up to take a peek at who the voice belonged to, and to my horror, I realized, it was sakura."If you're gonna mess with someone, you have to do it right!" she said with a smirk.

She came up to me, grabbed my hair, which was already falling out from when Kiba dragged me, and started dragging me to the nearby lake. When I realized what she wanted to do, I immediately started screaming for her to let go. I tried everything in my power to make her let go, but, it was no use. Sakura had the strength of ten body builders all put together into one puny body, so you could say that she was pretty strong.

Sakura stopped moving and when I saw her face, there was a huge grin plastered across her face. I was so scarred. I kept thinking no one can save me now, I'm done for. And there's nothing I can do about it. I just kept prying and prying for this to be a dream and for me to wake up in my bed and realize that this was all just another horrible nightmare. But I wouldn't wake up and I stared crying because this was reality.

"Hey, Naruto," she said in a mocking tone," Why are you crying? This is gonna be so much fun! Here, let me help you was all those tears off your face." Right after she said that she, ever so elegantly, tossed me into the lake, just like a feather. It was so sudden that I didn't even have time to breathe. When I tried to come back up for air, she just pushed me right back down.

I couldn't breathe and I didn't have a lot of air to start with.

"Where do you think YOUR going!? Did I say you could come up?" I stayed there, struggling to get out of the water. I swam a lot so I have a pretty good lung capacity, but that doesn't mean much if you don't get air first.

The entire time i was down under, engulfed by the lake, I wouldn't stop chanting, " please let this be a dream, please just let this all just be a dream." I wasn't sure how much longer i could hold my breath then I heard Choji's voice.

"H-hey Sakura, don't you think y-you're taking this a little bit too far? He asked with a quivering voice. The others started to murmur in agreement then started shouting to sakura that if I died then they would be in a lot of trouble and that they never planned on taking the joke this far.

"SHUT UP YOU WIMPS!" she yelled, "I already told you if you're gonna mess with someone, you have to do it right! What you guys were doing doesn't even count; it's just punching and kicking. I'm showing you how to do it right!"

After she said that, they were silent. They couldn't say anything; if they did she would probably try to drown them too. I, on the other hand, was almost out of breath. I didn't know whether or not I was going to be able to hold my breath for much longer, so I had to think of something, and fast. Many scenarios went through my head, but none of them seemed to work. I was going to die before I even got a chance to live. I really didn't want to die like this and I was just about out of breath, so I pushed Sakura hoping that she would fall and that I would finally be able to go home and to my surprise she actually fell.

I didn't waste any time. The second she started falling I got up and dashed to my house. When I finally got home, I cried. In that moment, I cried more than I ever cried in a lifetime. Even though I wanted to live, I couldn't keep going through this every day. I thought what the point of living is if it's just going to be full of pain. I went to the kitchen and reached for the knives. This was going to be the last day.

It was all going to end here.

All the suffering was going to come to a halt.

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