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4/14/2012 8:36PM

His phone beeped a few times, signalling he had a new message. Harry sighed figuring it was his manager about to tell him of a new PR stunt or an upcoming interview as he had done several times within the past couple days. Looking down, he saw a number he didn't recognize had texted him.

Unknown number: I miss you

Me: Who is this?

Unknown number: Louis...

Unknown number: Did you delete my number?

Harry sighed, of course he had but how was he supposed to tell the boy without hurting his feelings?

Me: No, just got a new phone. Barely any contacts.

Unknown number: Oh makes sense.

Me: Yeah

Unknown number: How're you doing Harry?

Harry grunted as he read the most recent text from Louis. How did he have any right to be asking him that? He damn well saw him nearly every day with the tour and all, he could see how Harry was going through hell. Everyone could see it if they were even paying the slightest bit of attention. Whether it be the bags under his eyes or how he'd show up to interviews and zone out when they asked him questions. Late nights spent overcontemplating never did the heart or mind any good but it's not something the boy could suddenly stop, even if he wanted to.

Me: Louis you know the answer to that question. Why are you actually texting me?

Louis: Is it so horrible that I want to text an old friend and see how he's doing? I barely ever get the chance to talk to you during work.

Harry sat there for five minutes reading over the text but only one word was on repeat in his brain. Friend. When did boyfriend turn into friend? This was a rhetorical question that he already knew the answer to.

How could he forget that day?


Louis had come home to their shared flat, Harry had already prepared dinner for him. Meetings with management always seemed to drain Louis out so he searched for a simple solution to cheer the boy up, food.

"Harry where are you at?"

"Dining room!" He shouted back, lighting one simple candle in the middle of the table between his plate of food and the one he'd set out for Louis. He looked up as he saw a small figure walk in the room.

"And what special occasion brought this on?" He attempted a smile.

Harry just shrugged.

"I hope this wasn't an attempt to get laid tonight." Louis grinned as a blush set over Harry's cheeks.

"I know that those meetings usually stress you out, I figured if you came home to a nice meal then you'd have something​ to look forward to in the future."

"That's amazing baby thank you. I actually have some good news to share." Louis pecked Harry on the lips then sat down in his seat.

The two sat at the table, Louis took a bite of the seared pork in front of him as well as a brussel sprout covered in sauce. Harry watched carefully to see Louis' reaction to his own cooking, feeling proud when the other boy moaned in delight.

"So tell me of this good news." Harry said as he a began to eat off his own plate.

"You remember how Simon was suggesting ways to make our relationship more discreet?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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