Can't Let It Be Done...

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"And with that is the Zero Requiem..."

Suzaku bolted from his slumber, hand gripping to his chest. His heart was pounding, his heart hurt. He was sweating, he started to cry.

Suzaku didn't want tomorrow to come. Never. He wiped his tears. The moonlight shining through the window made a heavenly glow. It made Suzaku feel worse. He got up to open the window, just a bit, and felt the breeze to help him calm down.
He couldn't lose his last love.

"Lelouch...Why did it have to be this way...?", Suzaku murmured.
"I CAN'T, I can't lose you, not like this, not ever!" Suzaku lost it. In the dark room, where heavenly light shined, the man was on his knees, crying. Little did he know that the door opened and another man walked inside, slowly.
In a concerned voice, the man asked, "Suzaku?"
Suzaku jolted up with surprise and hit his head on the table that was next to him. The man closed the door and ran to tend Suzaku's head. The man got on one knee and lifted Suzaku's head. Suzaku looked up. Looked at the man's calm violet eyes.
"Suzaku, are you ok?"
"No I'm not Lelouch,...There has to be another way, I can't do it I can't kill you," Suzaku said in a sad yet serious voice.
"Why does this pain you, after all you wanted to kill me in the f-"
Before Lelouch could finish his sentence, Suzaku grabbed Lelouch's shoulders, making them both stand up. Lelouch tried to release himself from Suzaku's grip, but it was no use. Suzaku's eyes were staring directly at Lelouch's. Sad yet afraid.

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