What am I?

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Chapter 1

Violet! My mother yelled. Yea?! I yelled back. Don't forget were leaving tomorrow right at eight am! She yelled.I know! I yelled. Well get some sleep! I love you! Love you to! I changed into my horse pjs and turned off the light and made my way to my queen sized bed. I laid down and closed my eyes an dlet sleep take over. I woke up feeling pain when I felt my bones starting to reshape. I held in my scream. It hurt like hell. Soon it hurt so much I screamed a little but luckily no one woke up because the walls were thick. I closed my eyes and then the pain stopped a few minutes later. I opened my eyes to see that I was taller. I looked down to see purple claws hands. I realized I was on all fours. Ok.I thought and jumped off my bed and took steps over to my door where a mirror was. Looking back at me was a violet, dark blue and light blue dragon was starring at me. I tried screaming but only out came a roar. I shut my mouth quickly and pushed open my dor because it was cracked open and walked slowly past my brother's Fang's room. I spread out my wings once I got to the stairs and jumped and tried flapping them but it was to late. I hit the stairs and rolled down them breaking the railing. I kept rolling until I hit the bottom of the stairs. I cursed inside my head since my head hit the swtairs and now my head hurt like hell. I shifted human and stood up and realized I was naked. I Ran to the bathroom hearing doors open. Oh my god! I heard my mom yell. What happned? I heard m dad ask. Mommy, daddy what happened? I ehard my five year old sister ask. I'm not sure Rose. Mom said. Mom can you please go grab me some clothes?! I yeleled from the bathroom, Sure! My mother yelled back. I realized I felt some warm liquid on my forehead. Iloked at my forehead in the mirror to see blood. I wet a wash cloth and pt it on my head. Then once my mom got here I opened the door and otok the clothes and got dressed and came out. Viloet what happned? My mom asked. I fell down the stairs and hit my head and te railing fell down. I said. Mor elike was smashed. Fang said. I realized there were small pieces everywhere and there were cracks on the stairs and it was chipped and pieces of wood missing. IT looked like something huge hit the stairs. MY dad said. Wel I alos fell down with a piece of metal but don't worry I already cleaned that up. I lied. They bought it. Well let's get this cleaned up quickly. My dad said. Fang nodded and we go tto work. Once that was done we went back to bed. I woke up to hear my mom shouting it was time to get up. I stood up and got ready quickly and we left. HOw are you feeling? Mom asked. Fine. I said. MY head no longer hurt and the wound was healed. Once we got to are new house I noticed we were on the beach and no other house was around and there were trees around the beach. We got out and ran inside. We let Rose pick out her bedroom. She picked out a medium sized bedroom. then we let mom and dad pick out a large bedroom. Fang picked also a large bedroom. I got the master bedroom which was large. IT had black walls with red roses, white carpet, king sized bed, two dressers, two night stand tables, walk-in-closet, king sized bathroom with Jacuzzi and bathtub. The closet and dresser was already filled with clothes so I unpacked my stuff and went outside to look around. Dad told me we had thrity acres. I went into the woods and took off my clothes and thought of my dragon. I heard my bones rearrange but it didn't hurt and it took only a fee seconds. Iopened my eyes and jumped into the sky and started flying. I flew over the ocean which was very beautiful. I flew until IS aw the most shockingest thing. I saw my family with five people and they all shifted into wolves. Rosie a baige wolf, mom, light gray wolf, dad daek gray wolf, fang a black and silver wolf, and the others brown wolves, fgeay wolves, one russet an done black. I flew to the ground and landed with a huge thud in front of them. They yelped in shock. I realized there the one that was black wasn't completely black it had russet under side, and russet paws. His smell was intoxicating.I could smell wolf, forest, axe, perfume, and chocolate. I sniffed the wolf. Mate! MY inner dragon said. Oh my mom also told me in the stories how we have a inner selves. I also knew what a mate was. The wolve's eyes widen in clear shock when the russet wolf shifted and dressed in a pair of shorts he had in his mouth. Shift! He ordered in a powerful voice but for some reason it didn't affend me. There was no way I was shifting in front of them since I was a girl and would be naked. I shook my head. Shift! He ordered again. I shook my head again when clothes were throw at me. It ook them and went behind a tree and shifted. I came out to see everyone else had shifted. I heard gasp from my family. What are you doing on are territory rogue? The guy who must of been the alpha spat. I well just moved here with my family. I said pointing to them. The man looked at my family and his eyes widen. YOu had a dragon shifter daughter and didn't say anything? He demanded. I didn't know. MY dad said. There erightt hey didn't know because I just shifted yesterday. I said. Then you probably don't know much. MY mate said. I know lots because of my mom's stories of whne I Was younger. I'm glad I listened to them. I know what an alpha, beta, third in command, omega, pack house, mate, and werewolf and hsifter and pretty much everything of a werewolf but nothing of a dragon. I Said. LEt's go to my office. The alpha said and we were lead to the pack house and went inside and went to a door and went inside and sat in chairs or the couch, I was on the couch with Fang and my mom. The alpha stood up and walked over to the book shelf and grabbwd a couple of books and flipped threw a red leather covered one. Then he walked over to me and showed me a picture of a lady with long wavy brown hair, green eyes and tan skin. There was also a dark blue dragon. IT is said that every dragin related to her is very powerful and they have powers. YOu can tell if there related to her if they have any blue on them even if it's just a tiny spot. YOur related to Rosie Elizabeth. She was the most powerfulest shifter in the world and also the first dragon shifter. Everyone made fun of her until she killed the most powerfulest vampire and werewolf. Then they all bowed down to her. Ever swince then dragons were treated nicely but they were very rare. There's only five made every six hundred years. Well unless you keep making kids then there could be more dragons. Dragon shifters make twin babies or more but never one like werewolves. The babies stay in there mother for three days and then come out healthy. they could be a differnet shifter or a dragon or like there father or mother. Dragon shifters have many powers. That's in this book and I'll get to them in a minute. He flipped to another picture and pointed at a man with blonde hair, blue eyes and palke skwin. This is Cody Alexander. He was the god of are world but then he met Rosie and they fell in love. They had five kids and got married. All five were dragon shifters. There name's were Alexander, Frank, Dakota, Elizabeth, and Beth. Alexander had the power of lazer eyes. Frank had the power of invisibility. Dakota had the power of water who could also turn into a water dragon hwile inw ater. Eliabeth had earth powers while Beth could do anything she wanted but she used evilly and her siblings had to kill her. There mother ans father ended up dying and now Alexander is the god and Rosie will always be the frist dragon shifter. The alpha said and closed the book. What power do I have? I asked. I'm not sure. Only dragons realted to Rosie and Cody have powers. They could have either one, two, three, four or all five. I actually do have antoehr dragon shifter here but he's not related to Rosie. His name is MArk. Blake do you mind calling Mark? The alpha asked my mate. Sure. BLake said and Blake's eyes glazed over. A minute later a man with red hair, green eyes and pake skin came in. Alpha. He said. MArk this is Sherry and Tom's daughter Violet. She's a dragon shifter with powers. The alpha said. MArk's eyes widen and then he signed. Yea I know what to do. He said. Good now you'll start in ten minutes after Blake shows you around. The alpha said. Wahts' yuour name? I asked. I'm ALpha TOny. He said.I nodded. COme on BLake said. We stood up and walked out. Once we got out of the office. BLake pushed me against the wall and started kissing my neck. I've been waiting to do this. He said. I let out a moan. IT felt really good whent he door opened and I heard a gasp. Blake stopped and we both turned to see my mom, dad, Fang, ROsie, MArk, and Tony. Oh. I said. Fang smirked and I flipped him off. Mom gave me a smile. Dad's eyes were narrowed at Blake. Rosie was looking confused. MArk had a smirk on his face and TOny was just smiling. I Want to show you somwthing,. I whispered to Blake and grabbed his hand and pulle dhim outside and went behind a tree and stripped and shifted. I came abck out to see BLake sitting down on the grass with hiw back to me. I smirked and jumpe dinto the air and grabbed him. hE yelled for me to put him down as I got higher. SOon we were flying over the ocean. I Smirked. Don't even think about it. He said looking at my face. I dived towards the water. He screamed as we entered the water. I Swam quickly until we were in a under water cave and then went above. I heaerd Blake take a deep breath of air.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2014 ⏰

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