The Story of a Stormtrooper

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I walked away from the Deathwatch when the Empire had risen. I went to Coruscant just to live there. On my way to Coruscant I went to Tatooine to fuel my ship up. Then I saw two slavers and their slave was one blue female Twi'lek. The slavers were about to rape her so I shot two of the slavers with my mandalorian blaster and I took her. And then three months later I got married with the Twi'lek in Coruscant.

Now she is safe and I looked everywhere in coruscant I saw imperial propaganda about destroying the Rebel Alliance. I did not want to join the Rebels. because there might be a jedi and I had bad history with the jedi. So I enrolled for The Empire. I went home "Hey honey guess what?" I say "What is it sweetheart?" She said smiling at me "I enrolled for The Empire." Her smile turned into a really depressed face and she went to the bathroom for hours until I went to bed.

Two days later it was time for me to go to the training camp my wife comes to me "Tanner" she says "yes love" I say. She gives me a amulet with a small clone trooper helmet with a orange stripe going down the helmet. "Please promise me that you will come back." She says "I will" I kiss her and I hop on the imperial gunship which was by my door during the trip to the training camp I was looking at the amulet. "Did one of your kids give that to you?" Says a man right beside me. "No my wife must have had it what is your name by the way" I say "I'm Ponderosa Jerry but people call me Jerry. What's your's?" Jerry said "Tanner Visla"

Yesterday we the recruits took a lesson about information about the jedi,The Rebels and other stuff. So me and Jerry had the same bunk I was top. Our instructor was the famous Commander Cody what is left of the 212th attack battalion in the Grand Army of The Republic. He was mean to us like he wanted to kill us all he must have hated new soldiers of the empire anyway we were given harsh training. Before I go to bed I always look at the amulet that my wife gave me.

When the training was done I was assigned as a Stormtrooper. Jerry was in the same unit as I was. The oldest in our unit was the sergent he had done well in battles. We were assigned in a star destroyer patrolling around Tatooine so we have another set of armor which is to be used in the planet at all times.

So we now have to go into Tatooine and deal with resistance or Jabba's goons or possibly Rebels. So I get my Sandtrooper armor on and go to the hangar and get on a deployment ship down to the planet and our main officer said this to the people "This system is now officially part of the First Galactic Empire." One of the people shot the officer and Every trooper and me started shooting at the people. Some of people had blasters so they started shooting back. Jerry was beside me and when the shooting stopped I looked at the bodies in shock I thought to myself "What have I done?" The sergent said "Its war bud you will get used to it."

So we made a outpost by Mos Eisly and a bunker by Jabba's Palace. Me and Jerry were assigned to the bunker. We would get a few raids from time to time. One night me and Jerry were sleeping in our bunk beds in the barracks we heard a boom we put our armor on as fast as we could we go by the entrance it was The Rebels I shot a few of them to get out of the bunker. When I got out Jerry did not come out. I had anger in me so I ran back inside the bunker shooting all of the Rebels and if one got near me I snapped their necks when I was done shooting I was looking for Jerry. Then I saw a Twi'lek then I realized it was my wife. She was laying on the ground having a blaster pointed at me I dropped my blaster then I take off my helmet. She dropped the blaster I come to her I look at her face she put her bloody hand on my face all she said was ".....I... love" she died because I was out of control. I paint a little blue Twi'lek on the top left of my helmet the carving her name below it before the Empire came. I was the only trooper left and I got promoted as a Commander.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2019 ⏰

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