chapter one

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"Hey y/n when is your next post coming out? I so can't wait" said your friend myranda. As you look over to see your friends opening the doors for Jacob. The king of the nerds. But you were in collage and your friends were stupid so."Hey y/n when do we get an in invite to blog with u" Jacob said you hinting the scarcasum in his voice but you ignored it"that's my ride seeya later nerds" you rushed twords the car that just arrived in the parking lot. As you hoped in your dad gave you the 'u-like-him?' look and drove home when you got home you rushed twords your laptop and started typing:hey all u followers out there but the blogrspher is here and has info but its not enough so im going to m.ebbot to see what I can find. I will just live doun there but dount worry I will keep typing so see ya soon and the blogsphere signing of. The setting was clear you needed to go to Mt.ebbot and see the monsters. So u packed a charger your laptop your favrot sweater and a saled. You were all set thankfully your dad was pasdout on the couch but u garbed the thing of most value to you. Your picture of you and dad and mom. After u ran doun to your bike you rushed there as fast as u could and you even biked up the mouton. But as u got to the top you stopped and u relysed you were at the top."Don't get chicken feet now Y/N. Your so close to them." and then you jumpes

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