Order of Chaos

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The date is the fortieth of Evening in 672, eight years ago today. A nine year old boy named Alex is at the market with his twin brother Shane, his little six year old sister Adelaide, and his mother. The two young boys were thin and short with brown hair. Don't look at Shane to long though, his vibrant red eyes will put you in a trance and pull you in. Their sister looked more like their mother with blonde hair and beautiful bluish grey eyes. "Mama, Mama!" shouts Alex," Can I do the thing again?" The excitement in his expression glistened in the warm, comfortable light of the sunset. Mama smiled," Sure honey, go ahead," she replied. She hadn't even finished her sentence before Alex took off, jumping from crate to crate, bouncing from canopy to canopy. " Look at that boy go!" said a bystander. Alex's agility was beyond anyone else's in the town, and he's only nine! Imagine what he'll be at twenty!

Alex continued his pattern. He knows the town inside and out, if someone wants to meet him somewhere he'll be there in time enough that he could have a cup of tea before the other gets there. " Right, left, up, right, across down," he thought as he flew over people's heads. He ground to a halt as has reached the cooking shop. Tonight Papa was going to fix up everyone's favorite, steak and noodles. Alex could smell the sizzling of the steak already. The rest of the gang approached as Alex is still trying to catch his breath. It seemed like a pretty normal setup. Shane was holding his mom's hand while burying his nose in the book he was holding in the other hand and Adelaide was pulling away from Mama exclaiming, "Mama look over there! Do you see that? Mama!" What a curious little thing she was.

As the family exited the shop they all noticed something different about the town, a certain heaviness or darkness as if someone had died. Adelaide, of course was the first to notice. "Mama, what happened?" she asked. "I don't know honey," she answered," But it feels wrong, c'mon guys, let's go home."

Their house never fail to impress. It's garden and Victorian beauty will always catch you by surprise. Step inside and you will lose all stress with the comforting combination of tan and teal. This house is the reason for Adelaide's curiosity for it is full of mystery and secrets. Walk out the back door and you will see a grandiose yard shadowed perfectly by old oak trees planted by Alex's grandfather when he was a boy. Mama and Adelaide waltzed gracefully across that seemingly endless field reminding everyone of the true beauty in life. This house truly described the magical relationship this family had. Nothing could break the bond of this family. Nothing.

They entered the house and spot Papa on the couch. He gives them a warm and comforting smile as if he were meeting them for the first time in years. "Papa!" exclaimed Adelaide. She rushed into his arms and held him close. Mama said," We're all glad to see you, why don't you start on dinner?" He looked into her grey with his, "Sure."

Then the cooking started. The arousing aroma of sizzling meat accompanied by the relaxing smell of the noodles filled the house. Yes, that was the life. Family, fun, good food. Too bad it was all about to end.

Alex was in his and Shane's room when it happened. Papa was downstairs cooking when all of a sudden Alex heard a scream. "OH MY GOD!" shrieked Papa. Alex rushed down the stairs to see what happened. Smoke filled his lungs. Sweat started beading on his head as he came to a realization, there was a fire! His chest tense and his face burning he busted into the kitchen. "PAPA! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" "Never mind that, Alex," said Papa," get everyone to safety! It's your responsibility, I trust you!" Alex could hear the helplessness in his voice. "I'm trapped! Get out and save... Woah, WOAH!" he slipped. Alex then witnessed his own father fall back into flames and die. "NO PAPA! GET UP! GET UP!" It was of no use then, he was gone. All of his love and compassion, just disappeared. Life is cruel, but death is unstoppable.

The fire started spreading, consuming walls around him. It couldn't be stopped. Alex started hearing shouts and words from the other side of the house but paid no attention. A life of joy and health all of a sudden ruined by a simple mistake. He approached the fire. 'The best thing I can do right now is just end it for myself too,' he thought. The fire told him to fall, come to the warm embrace of death where nothing could touch him. Then he heard a shout from nearby, "Alex! Alex, where are you?" It was Shane. "Shane!" Alex called back, "I'm in the kitchen!" "Meet me in the living room!" yelled Shane. Alex made a mad dash for the living room, avoiding rubble and smoke as he went. "Shane, where are Mama and Adelaide?" Silence came from Shane as a tear trickled down his cheek. "No, this can't be real," Alex said. "What about Papa?" asked Shane. Alex was about to say yes but got choked up. No answer was needed. They laid down on the floor, crying and spending their final moments together. Alex took in one final breath before everything went black.

When he woke up, he was on a cot in his yard watching as people poured buckets of water over the burning house. Alex stood up and staggered towards the house. Nine years of memories and joy whisked away in a second. He watched as his innocence, his memory, his family, his happiness burnt away in his eyes. Then he remembered the last words his mother had said to him. "You're a strong boy and no one will ever take that from you. Stay strong, my trooper. I love you." Alex couldn't handle it. He dropped to his knees and sobbed, mourning over the death of his family.

Wait, what became of Shane? Did he live? A quick look over the yard proved this to be right. Alex ran over to him and hugged his unconscious body. The fire died out and Shane woke up. "Alex", he said with a weak voice, " we made it." "I was so worried, I don't know if I can go on," said Alex. "Don't worry Alex, I'll promise I'll never leave you again." He faded into sleep in Alex's arms.

"Who's going to tell them?" asked a bystander. "I don't know, but now isn't the right time," said another. The orphanage Alex was going to would not accept Shane for his red eyes, they thought it was a sign of evil. It really is a shame, there was still discrimination in 672. However things changed between then and now in 680.

One of the firemen stepped off the wagon. He approached Alex, "Son, there's something you need to know," he said. "What is it, sir?" Alex replied. "Well, how do I put this, you and your brother can't be together." Alex's jaw dropped, his lips quivering. "What do you mean?" "The orphanage that has taken you in won't take Shane in," he said. "What's wrong with him? Is he dying?" asked Alex. "Hmmm," said the fireman, "what color are his eyes?" "What does it matter?" "Answer the question." "They are red," answered Alex, "is that a problem?" "Red is an evil color, Alex!" exclaimed the fireman, "Your orphanage wants nothing to do with it!" "That's fucking stupid! Just because of his eyes?!" Alex was enraged, on the breach of insanity, anything could push him over.

He then continued to punch Shane's body violently, screaming, "Damn you! Damn you!" What the hell is he doing? The reason he is mad is because of his love for his brother! It didn't matter now, the fire pulled him up and away from Shane. Gone forever. He didn't even get to say goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2014 ⏰

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