Chapter 1

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Assalam aleikum,
Hey guys, i decided to delete all the chapters i had published because they need major editing i swear🙄,so I'll just be releasing them one by one all edited.
This book has muslim characters and themes but also a non-muslim can read it.
You may NOT copy this book.Seriously,don't,it ain't fair, it took a lot of effort.

Find me on instagram as __s.al_
You may send me banners  through you.

Enjoy the adventures of this book.

It was a long flight,from Mombasa,Kenya to Spain,Alicante.
My first flight actually,it was lovely,seeing the sky through the small window and the huge clouds.
It shouldn't come as a surprise that i didn't even sleep a wink in the plane,i wanted to savour every moment,witness everything.
We landed at night,around 8:00 pm,and my aunt was already there,so i didn't have to wait.
Everything seemed so perfect,the buildings, the climate,i felt like i was starting my life a new,
Fresh air,new faces different culture..oh nothing could ever go wrong.
I saw a lot of couples holding hands, walking together,or even making out,i sighed...i already missed Halim,Halim Ahmed was my best friend,true love,soul mate,sweet heart ,think of all the cliché words..he was a part of me.

I had just finished my high school back in Kenya and was going to start my university studies in Spain,fortunately, my aunt,Tanasha lived in a small beautiful town called Alicante,so i had a place to stay.All thanks to Halim because he supported me big time financially.It had been so hard to say goodbye to Halim at the airport when i was leaving,i cried,but he didn't, though I knew his tears lingered.I would be staying in Spain for only two years,and...
"..and when you come back we'll get married right away",That was what Halim had said to me.I smiled at the thought of it,i had also promised to write to him as soon as i landed.
" we're here honey",aunt said as she parked the car inside the garage. I stepped out of the car and looked at the house, was a two storey house,very beautiful..
"Come on let's get inside",aunt smiled.
" yes,sure",i turned to pick up my suitcase.
" okay", i said and followed her to the house.
It had been almost a lifetime since i saw my cousins,Nisha,who was 20 just like me and Hussein who was 23,i felt quite nervous meeting them after such a long time.
"Come in", aunt gestured,i smiled and got in...
"Nish...Nishaaa..Esha is here",She called taking off her coat and smiling at me.I smiled back nervously...
"Eshaaa...!!!",Nisha screamed as she ran towards me for a hug..."am so glad you are here,i've been waiting for you, we are going to have so much fun",i nodded my head.
" yes,sure..",Talk of fun,i didn't know what kind of 'fun' Nisha was talking about but, i didn't like fun...i was raised to being calm,polite,much of a shy and silent person, i kept things to myself...good or bad.
"Mummy,I wanna share my room with her", Nisha pouted.
"No...she will stay in her own room", Aunt Tanasha said"Quit giving me those puppy eyes,won't work on me",
" Well okay mum",She shrugged"Come on Esha,I'll show you your room",She took my hand and we went upstairs.
She opened a door and i guessed it was the one.
"Red??", i mumbled softly... The color kind of freaked me out in a way.. It made me feel sick,it symbolised blood to me,which was creepy...okay, blood is natural, but creepy.
" This is my room",Nisha said to my relief.
"Where is mine?", i asked.
"Ooh yeah here... follow me",i followed her to a white room...most of the things were white, I preferred this than red.
" wow...I like it...",i smiled widely..."it's so...beautiful",
I said pulling my suitcase next to my new bed..
"So...I'll freshen up...supper will be brought up here", Nisha said leaving and closing the door behind her.
I looked inside the closet,it wasn't a huge room but it was too much for the small amount of clothes and shoes i had.
My room,had a bathroom and toilet section inside which was so good,i wouldn't have to go outside the room all the time.
I took a warm shower,to feel relaxed...i was going to pick my night gown from the suitcase when i saw my full reflection in the mirror.I stopped to look again....I never looked at myself in the mirror for so long...or oftenly,i mean,what was there to look? Though I mumbled a dua (supplication).
" Ya' Allah, you have beautified my body,beautify my character too",
I had Brown eyes,just like my mother's,light complexion..faded. pink full lips,natural long lashes,which to me,looked weird,especially when i never brush them out.I removed the towel and let my hair down...just beneath my waist a bit...dark and long,i had once trimmed my hair and my mum freaked out,she likes it long,and would come brush my hair every night...well that was long ago while I was 13...
" Hey,dinner's ready",Nisha said coming in...I quickly covered my hair.
"Thanks,I'm starving",i smiled.
" we made you a Swahili dish", sitting next to me.That was so considerate of them.
"You're gonna like it here",she added.
Honestly i just couldn't wait to explore a new country,i had never been to another town let alone a different country,so this was a big moment for me,and i was going to make the most of it,visit different towns,museums,learn Spanish,eat new foods,oh God,maybe i'd even make new friends at the University.
Not that i was good at it,but..maybe..i had a feeling it was gonna be the best 2 years of my life..but they weren't going to beat the years i'd spend with Halim.
I couldn't think of anyone perfect to be with other than him..
Here's a little rant about him,Parents died while he was 20,and by parents,i mean his mother,she meant everything to him,Halim knew nothing of his dad..and he hated that subject being brought up,he said it got hard for him after she left,but he still got back to his feet,the cause of her death..i didn't know,he didn't say it either.
He had a sister,a little sister,Sameera,and i envied their love for each other since i had no sibling.
But..i had his was the next thing i was sure of,after the existence of God.
I couldn't wait to get married to my best friend...

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