Chapter 1 - Stars Dance

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Selena's POV

"What's your name, sweetie?" I ask the girl who is next in line.

"Jenna," she squeaks with excitement. I guess her age to be about 12 or 13.

I pose for a picture with her and the camera flashes.

"I love you so much, Selena!"

I smile at her. "I love you, too! Enjoy the concert!"

The meet & greets continue in their usual way. I say 'hello' to each fan, get a picture with them, and repeat.

After the last fan gets her picture, I walk backstage and find Wesley, Drew, and Keaton, better known as Emblem3, preparing to head onstage. My meet & greets must've run later than usual because I hear Christina Grimmie's voice from the stage singing her last song. I head onstage in about an hour.

"Selena!" Charity calls for me. I run over to her. Charity is one of my dancers. Her bright red dyed hair makes her stand out from the others. I'm fairly close with all my dancers but she and I are definitely the closest.

"You ready for tonight?" She asks me. Same thing she has asked me every night on this tour.

"Of course I am," I answer. It's show number 49 of the Stars Dance Tour. Kansas City, Missouri. November 17, 2013.

Charity and I chat about random things to pass the time. Christina runs backstage, finished with her performance, and Emblem3 heads out to the stage where they have to stay hidden in a box as the stage crew sets up for them. The musicians head onstage as well to set up their instruments.

After their performance, the stage crew once again heads onstage to set up, this time for me. The dancers and I prepare to go onstage. I've already changed into my first outfit for the show: a white top that shows off my stomach, a white jacket tied around my waist, and white shoes that lace all the way up to my knees.

I can hear the intro video playing, and I take a deep breath to calm my preshow nerves.

"Everyone ready?" I ask. The dancers nod in answer. "Alright," I say, turning around. "Let's do this!"

I lead the group towards the stage. The intro video ends and I run up the stairs as smoke shoots up in front of me. Once it stops, I look out at the crowd with a genuine smile on my face as they scream and cheer. It never ceases to amaze me how many people come to my show every night. My fans really mean everything to me and I love touring because it lets me interact with them more than I normally get to.

"Kansas City, how are you all doing tonight?" I say into my microphone. I'm answered with the sound of thousands of fans cheering.

Callie's POV

"Aaaaahhhhh!!!!! Anna, it's happening in two hours!!!!!" I squeal at my best friend.

"I know! Aaaahhhhh!!!!" She agrees with me.

It's finally November 17, 2013. I've been counting down the days since April 20th, when I bought the tickets. This has been the longest seven months of my life but it's all going to be worth it in Just a couple hours.

"I can't believe we are actually going to a Selena Gomez concert tonight!!" Anna says. She and I continue to fangirl squeal.

I'm proud to say I'm a 16 year old Selenator. It all started when I discovered the show Wizards of Waverly Place around 2007-2008. It became my favorite show and I decided Alex was my favorite character. When Selena released her first album, Kiss & Tell, with her band, Selena Gomez & The Scene, I bought it and fell completely in love. Before Selena, I never really had a favorite singer but since the release of Kiss & Tell, she has never left the #1 spot in my list of favorite singers. I love Selena in a way that I really can't explain and only other Selenators would understand. Luckily, my best friend, Anna, is just as obsessed as I am. Both of us can recite literally every lyric of every Selena Gomez song. We both know tons of random Selena trivia as well. Other than Anna, I've never met another person as obsessed with Selena as I am.

The Stars Dance Swap (Selena Gomez Fanfic) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now