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                        Arriving school that very early morning, I skipped happily to class reminding myself that high school would be over in hours and I had no time for duties or work. Extremely shocked at the appearance of the class with colorful lights, I swayed off with the music and so did my friends as we cheered loudly in our last class party. Students trooped by my class wondering what was going on and how much fun we were having. After about two and half hours of revelry I quickly turned off the lights as my friends and I sat down to watch "Beauty and the Beast".

                       Eventually, the movie came to an end and it was break time. we quickly dashed to the dinning hall, past all the students all the way to the serving lounge were we arrogantly snatched our trays of food and walked sheepishly to our seats. Lunch ended quite early as we all decided to go for Physics class even though we literally did not have classes. Kindly explaining some questions to the teacher, my friends and I organised ourselves to listen and be extremely active in class and Physics class was more lively than it used to be when we still had normal classes.

                        Gradually, the Physics class drew to a close as we also decided to have English class that very day but instead, we ended up watching funny videos and chatting till the end of the class. Then, it began to drizzle as we gathered to go home. We packed all our books and bags and headed downstairs to the lobby to await our drivers arrival. Soon it began to rain cats and dogs as my friends and I rushed to the changing room and changes to our sports outfits and ran straight to the open field. We hustled partners from among ourselves and began to dance in the rain and for once int the school we were allowed to do anything we wanted. we chased each other as some people played football, others basketball, volley ball, swimming, tennis, ping-pong and badminton.

                            The time of our lives I taught to myself as we may not see each other again and the very place that brought us together is the last place we will ever see each other. The rain began to disappear as we sat at the pavilion giving our goodbye speeches, farewells and the things and people we would miss the most in the school before our drivers announced their arrivals. We will miss the very school that bonded us all but one thing for sure that might never leave us are the memories we shared. Tears streamed down our faces as we hugged and said our final goodbyes. The time of separation had eventually caught up to us.

The Last Day of High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now