Chapter 1: {Killua Zoldyck}

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(Y/n)'s pov

"Subaru,what should we do with (y/n)? Her illness is getting worse."

"Don't worry about it Akane,I'll think of something up."

"You have a plan?"

"Yes,now don't sweat over a little thing because I already have something in my mind."

"Okay,but just remember,don't make things worse like you did last time,okay?"

"Yeah fine,fine."

Little (y/n) peeked through the door on her room and listened to her parents conversation.

"I wonder what's dad's idea?" She thought.

She bit her finger and ruffled her long (h/c) hair.The little girl kept on thinking about her parents decision for her.She became curious as she hears them talk.

"Aww man,I give up.With this sickness,I can't have friends." She pouted.

She looked at her Teddy bears and spotted Seia,her favorite stuffed toy.She grabbed her from the table and started talking to her.Because she considers her as her friend.

"You know what Seia? Your lucky because your not alive." She started ruffling the toy's smooth fur.

'But I think being alive is fun.' She imagined that Seia would say that.

"Really? But being alive sucks for me." (Y/n) replied.

'But why?' She voiced the Teddy bear.

"Well you know,take me for example,I'm suffering because of this stupid illness.And because of this,I don't have any friends at all." (Y/n) frowned.

'But it doesn't mean that you have to be sad.You have me.' She voiced her again.

"Yeah,your right,I have you.Your my only friend." She hugged the Teddy bear and began ruffling it's fur again.

Little did she know,that a certain white haired boy is watching her from her room.When she was about to put Seia back in the table,the boy entered her room through her window.

"You look crazy." The boy said making her startled.

"E-eh?! W-who are you?" (Y/n) asked.

"Is it really that important to reveal my name to you?" The boy asked while sitting on her bed.

"W-well yeah,because I don't know you yet." She put Seia on the table and walked towards the boy.

"Killua.Killua Zoldyck."


"Yeah,My name's Killua are you deaf?" He asked.

"Hmmph! Your such a meanie you know that?" (Y/n) pointed at the boy.

"I just told you my name and you dare say meanie to me?" The boy stood up from the bed and walked towards (y/n).

"Yeah,you are a meanie!" (Y/n) stuck her tongue out.

"If I'm meanie then your crazy." The boy flicked her forehead.(Y/n) looked at him and hissed while she put both of her hands into her forehead.

"O-ow! Why did you do that?!" (Y/n) asked angrily.

The boy sat on the couch near him and popped a chocolate ball into his mouth.

"Because your crazy." He answered.

"C-crazy?! What makes you say that I'm crazy?!" (Y/n) pointed her self.

"Duh.Can't you notice? You've been talking to a toy this whole time.Doesn't that sound crazy?" The boy kept poking her forehead causing (y/n) to move backwards.

"But she' friend..." (Y/n) frowned.

Killua blinked a few times before sighing.

"Open your hand" He commanded.

"But why?"

"Just open them."

(Y/n) opened her hand and to be surprised, Killua gave (y/n) a chocolate bar and pat her hair.

" mean you don't have friends?" He asked while (y/n) nodded.

"Well,do you mind if we become one? I don't have friends either." Killua crouched a bit so that they'll be the same height when he asks.

(Y/n)'s face lightened up and her eyes we're sparkling.

"Really?!" She asked.

"Yep." Killua nodded and to be surprised,(y/n) pulled him into a hug and he blushed a bit.

"Thank you! I never imagined that someone would want me as their friend." (Y/n) excalaimed.

"Well you have one now.Oh,make that two." He pointed at her Teddy bear that she was hugging earlier.

"(Y/n) ojou-sama! Dinner is ready!" One of her butlers knocked on her door. (Y/n) looked at Killua and gave him a smile.

"Well,I guess see ya again tommorow Killua!" She waved at her friend before answering her Butler.

"Yea,see ya." Killua jumped out of the window and gave (y/n) a thumbs up before he left.

"(Y/n) ojou-sama?"

"Ah! Yes! Coming!" She answered.

「More than friends」【Killua x Reader】Where stories live. Discover now