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The night i was found under the bridge changed my life. I do not know how i got there but I couldn't explain how i felt about it. I didn't know the time , place , or what day it was. I sat there for what felt hours hungry. My cloths were torn and i had cuts all over my body i was scared, lonely and desperate for help. I crawled over to a puddle near by. So thirsty i drank the water and as i held it in my cut weak palms i could see my reflection. A girl with thick dirty brown hair, soft grey eyes and pale skin from the loss of blood. I looked at my cuts but some how i couldn't feel pain. I slowly stood up nearly falling because my body was so weak, but i pushed through. I walked until i came across a muddy path which led to the city. My vision became brighter as i was over come with the sound of horns honking and people communicating with one another, buildings as tall as sky scrapers,  not a single face was unhappy until they glanced at me. I ignored the attention in need of help and I kept walking to find someone,anyone who could help me remember where i came from...but people just stared at me not moving. They stared at me like they were afraid or like i was helpless. "Why are u staring at me...help me" i thought  ..."why must you leave me confused and lonely in the darkness"....i started to feel a shocking pain in my side. I lifted up my shirt to see blood running from a cut. It felt like a million knives stabbing me constantly. I glanced at the people "help....me...please.." i struggled to get the words out of me. All they did was stare in confusion , some shocked and scared. I wanted to scream but i couldnt , the pain was unbearable. My vision drifted in and out.  I glanced in the crowd and saw a beautiful women  approaching me she put her hand on my cheek."HEY  OH MY GOD YOUR HURT ! ARE YOU OKAY ?" I looked into her crystal blue eyes "please help me " i mumbled. I calapsed into her arms. My legs were so weak and started to feel numb. "It hurts- im cold "i mummbled The womens eyes widen as she took of her jacket and covered my body with. It made me feel warm and safe from the world.  She took out her phone calling for help. "Hello i have a girl who's in need of help----" the sound of her voice faded along with my vision and everything went blank. I couldnt feel pain anymore.

To be continued...

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