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"Sorry!" Jimin said over his shoulder, papers flying. The folder he was holding was on the floor, spread open.

"Watch it, Park!" a raspy voice warned. Footsteps receded soon after though, being drowned in the other noises of the hospital.

"No need to be so snappy." the pink haired boy muttered, picking up the discarded files.

In his mind, though, he gulped. He was one of the new nurses- and the clumsiest one, too. The other staff found out the hard way when he spilled coffee on Jungkook.

Talk about awkward.

You see, this certain Jungkook is the head of the Psychology department, and the CEO assigned nurse Jimin to him.

Jeon Jungkook curses Kim Namjoon for giving him an idiot, director or not.

"Come in." the shorter did so, using his foot to close the door as his hands were full of papers.

"Just set those down there, and for the love of God did you care to organize them at all?" Jungkook drawled, staring at the messy file in disgust.

The pink haired kept silent, stuffing the rest of the papers into the almost full folder.

While the younger moved his coffee mug far, far away from Jimin.

Y'know, just in case.

When Jimin set down the folder, his hand bumped into a stack of papers, making them fall over. The said boy cursed.

"Fuck, fuck. I'm sorry I'll clean it. I'll organize it and-"

"When are you going to learn how to be careful?" Jungkook snarled. This certain hospital has a very high reputation, and having an airhead like Jimin roaming the halls is just-


"When are you going to shut the hell up?" Jimin had enough. He may be the head of the Psychology department or whatever, but he's still older.

He'd rather starve than to even lick the shoes of damn Jeon Jungkook.

The said man stood up to his full height, which, to be honest, was really tall.

"What did you say?" the younger whispered in a warning tone, making Jimin shiver.

"Y-you heard me. I told you to shut the hell up." he stuttered out, also standing straight to meet the taller's stern eyes.

"Excuse me?" Jungkook snarled, slamming the wooden table, making Jimin jump.

Stay strong, Jimin.

"Are you deaf, Jungkook? Do you need me to spell it out for you? Okay-"

It was a flash of movements really, and the next thing Jimin knew, they were both on the leather chair.

Only this time, Jungkook was seated on it while Jimin was lying across his lap.

"W-what the fu-"


"Ack!" Jimin gritted his teeth as pain spread across his asscheeks. Despite wearing pants, it still hurt like a bitch.

"In this room, I demand respect. I prefer to be called sir than my name by someone who doesn't deserve to say it."


"Uhn!" Jimin choked on his own spit. He tried to jerk away from the taller, but another hand secured around his waist, hindering him from doing so.

It hurt... but it also felt good? The sting was still there, and his skin felt hot.

"Noisy, aren't we?" a chuckle resonated throughout the room.

The same hand massaged Jimin's hand, who stiffened at the touch.

The hand that was suppose to take away the pain was just making it worse. It was firm and authoritative, almost as if driving the sting to the surface of his skin.

"I'm your superior. I own you. Do you understand?" the hand stopped, resting on the older's ass.

Still, he pissed off Jungkook now. Why stop here?

"Yes Jungkook." Jimin tried to not smile in satisfaction when he heard a growl. The hand even retreated, making the pink haired boy relax.


"Ah!" Jimin jolted, panting. The strain and heat was making him flush.

More. He wanted more.

"I'll say it again," the hand kneading his sore asscheek again, making Jimin bite his lip in an effort to not groan.

"I'm your superior I own you. Do you understand?" the voice rang in the room, firmer this time.

"Yes, sir." a meek reply echoed.

"Good boy."


What do you think mochi?

It's amazing,I'm too scared to screw up egg .


You're the best!

No youre the best ily <3

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