My Little Mate:

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Hello. I am Tessa Macklin and my mate is alpha prince of werewolves almost king named Nicholas Davis and I smile at the thought of his happiness and love. But for you to understand who I am I will have to go way back.



I was running patrol with a small group of my pack. My brother and best friend on my flanks. Four of our packs strongest fighters behind us. In all there were seven of us. We had recieved word of four rogues in the next over packs territory. The names of my group were my brother, Daniel, my best friend, Kyle, our fighters, Lea, Andrew, Mila, and Caleb. Then there was me... Nicholas Davis. I'm the good looking, alpha, prince, soon to be king of werewolves. And as we ran the patrol we came to the clearing. This was my place of thinking. There was a small water fall going from this giant rock and along the edge of the water is a set of flat rocks and logs to sit on. There were lots of pebbles and sand. Along the tree line there was flowers. Including daisies and wild flowers. They were all different colors. The scenery was captivating. But that isn't what held me frozen was the tiny little baby in the center. The small baby was wrapped in a light purple blanket with flowers in blue, pink, white, and yellow flowers. The baby was whining for something. Or someone. I slowly walked forward. Kyle and the others began to do the same. 'Stay back it could be a trap!' I said in my mind to them. They stopped and I continued forward. When I reached the baby it was sniffling and had a few tears on its adorable face. I shifted back human after searching around a bit and slipped on the shorts I had brought with me. I slowly and very carefully picked it up. I motioned for the others to come over as the baby drifted to sleep. My brother cooed at it. "Stop it. The baby is sleeping!" I said. He straightened up and smiled sheepishly. Lauren tried to take it but I growled. The baby.made a.soft sound in her sleep and I smiled a little at its sleeping figure. Andrew accidentally woke it up by accidentally splashing water on her face after flicking it at Lea, his mate who was in front of him. I shot him a glare. He flinched and I looked down into the.most beautiful ocean blue eyes with the deepest pools of blue. The slight ice colored flecks in them made them bright and inviting. Then my head screamed the most unexpected thing I ever thought it'd scream. "MATE!" I said out loud as Donovan my wolf said it to me. Andrew pulled Lea to his side. And Caleb did the same to Mila who is his mate. Daniel punched Kyle's arm and I growled at them. "No violence in front of it! You'll scare it! Lauren, Mila... Check if it's a boyy or girl!" I ordered carefully passing her to Mila and then pushed Lauren to the flat rocks where they checked it over while I commanded the guys to turn around just in case. I heard them give the okay so we could turn around and we did. They made their way to us. "It's a girl. But we found this inside the blanket." Mila said handing me my mate and a small piece of paper with a note on it. I read it out loud. "Dear one who finds my prescious little girl. I cannot take care of her any longer... I am almost dead. Being almost is just as good as dead if you think like me. But as I was saying please care for her and love her like your own. Protect her from the greater evil and defend her from all harm that could come to her. I named her Tessa but you may rename her. And as her mother. My husband Raymond and I, Mary... Are entirely grateful of your presence in her life. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart and hope you will take my prescious baby girl under your wing. Teach her how to be the greatest she can be. And pass onto her 'Be you because life is too short to be anybody else.' Once again I thank you. Goodbye. Sincerely Mary Boardman." I read. I looked from the others to my mate. "I like Tessa. Let's keep her name that. And you should call her Tess for short and I'll cal her Tessie for short. Only I call her Tessie though. No one else." I said in a warning. "Uh... Nick.. Kyle and I have to talk to you alone for a second." Daniel said. I nodded still taking Tessie with me over to the side where the others couldn't hear. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Kyle said. "What?" I said in confusion. "You can't just bring in a random child! Espescially not a human child into our pack! What the hell is wrongg with you?" Kyle said. "What is wrong with me? She is my mate! Kyle whether you like it or not I'm alpha of this pack. Not you. And I am the prince. Not you. So what I say goes. And don't you dare question my authority again. And stop cursing in front of her! It is unnecessary and inappropriate. I won't tolerate it." I said to him. Tessie started crying in my arms. "Oh... Uh... I don't know what to... What do I... Mila! Lauren!" I called walking over to them. "Tell me what to... Do?" I said. Mila chuckled. "Bounce her a little and say things like you're okay and I've got you. Things like that but make sure not to bounce too much or too hard because you'll make her sick. " Mila instructed. "Oh... Okay..." I trailed off doing just that. Bouncing her and cooing sweet nothings to her quietly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2014 ⏰

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