Everything Is Not What It Seems

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hi everyone

this is my first story so I hope you enjoy it

Everything is not what it seems

Kate's POV

On a dark and cloudy night I saw a hooded man running across the park. I didn't know what the person was running from so I just kept on walking along the street. Then suddenly, the figure started running straight for me. I tried to get out of the way but the person just grabbed my arm and started to pull me along the street. Only when the person put me in front of them, did I realise that the person was actually a guy. He suddenly started to walk because we were starting to walk on a busy street. I tried again to walk back the other way when he put a gun to my back, which made me stop in my tracks. He leaned down and whispered in my ear "if you want to stay alive you'd better come with me or we can make a big scene". I nodded, and then let him guide me forward to wherever we were going. He led me through a maze of streets I hadn't been down before. The guy then turned down an alley and said "I think it should be fine from now on so you can know my name. It is Jay". I actually have no clue where we are because I just went for a walk to clear my head from what happened about half an hour ago.


When I arrived home from school my mum and dad were in the lounge room talking, no fighting and yelling at each other about something. I walked into the room and they both looked at me with a sad look in their eyes. Then my mum stood and asked me to take a seat. I walked over and sat down then looked up expectedly at my mum and dad and asked, "What's the matter?""Well here's the thing sweetie there is a bit of a problem. We got a letter today saying a family in New York saw a video of you on the net singing with all the comments saying what a really good singer you are and they said that they would give us $50,00 if you would marry their youngest son, a boy named Jay". "Why would they want me to marry their son? I am not even famous, I was singing for fun. Someone must've video recorded me because there was no news crew that I saw". "Well they will be coming here about 9 o'clock to meet you. They have been in town for a few weeks so their son will know his way around, would you please go and get ready it's already 8:30, so we only have half an hour before they arrive". Instead of going to get ready I got changed and climbed out the window and went for a walk.

************End of Flashback*********************

"Okay, nice to meet you Jay. If you would like to know, my name is Kate", I said. All Jay said was "Oh".

thanks for reading

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