Moment By Moment [EXO FANFIC FOR KRIS]

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A Kris oneshot request~ Thank you for the request and I hope you like it! :3


"It's in the third aisle down, miss."

"Thank you," you say, quickly bowing your head and heading for said aisle. The sign on the shelf says "TEXTBOOKS -- COLLEGE LEVEL" and you know you're in the right place. It's a relatively small bookstore, but you'd gotten distracted along the way and had forgotten where to find the right math book. You need it by next Friday and it's already stressing you out for the other textbooks you'd purchased earlier this week had used up almost all your budget.

You scan the shelf with your eyes, left to right, up to down, searching for the right book. When you find it, you pull it out with a finger and stare at the cover. It's heavy in your hands, and you sigh before walking towards the front desk, your eyes trained on your wallet. You didn't even look up before placing the book down and pulling out a few bills, hoping it was enough. A shock of worry courses through you as you realize you're under. You look up at the cashier, your eyebrows pinched together in nervousness. "I'm really sorry, I'm a little under, please--"

Your cheeks turn a fine blush as your eyes meet with the tall blond standing there. He smiles effortlessly, pink lips turning up at the corners as he raises a hand (wow, what a huge hand) and stops you in your string of rambling. "College, right?" His voice was a low growl, soothing but raspy at the same time.

You nod, mesmerized. He's handsome. Beyond handsome. He's...stunning.

"Hey, it's fine. I get it." He takes the money from your frozen hands and puts it into the cash register before punching in a few numbers. "Just don't tell my boss, alright?" He points to a man quite some meters away who was busy talking to another customer. The boy raises a finger to his lips and winks, only making your cheeks hotter. "You can get me the money some other time, and then it's all good," he says cheerfully.

You can only nod again.

"I'm Wu Yi Fan, by the way. But you can call me Kris," he introduces himself. Kris stretches a hand out, and you shake it, hoping your hand isn't trembling. Dammit, he's really good looking. "You?"

You tell him your name, thankful that your voice worked at all and he repeats it after you. The sound of your name coming out in his can feel steam coming out of your ears.

He pulls away his hand to put the textbook in a paper bag and hand it to you. "Here," he gives you a slip of paper, which you take slowly. "My number," he explains. "So you can pay me back, maybe with coffee some time?"

"Yeah," you say, "that sounds great." Your voice sounded a little high. You cough awkwardly onto your fist to clear your throat.

He smiles that winning smile again. "Great, then I'll see you around."

"Yeah. Bye. Kris."

He waves as you walk out the door. On the way out, your hand flies up to cover the smile threatening to split your face in half.


"You'll laugh at me." He says, taking a sip of his coffee.

"No way," you say, waving a hand to dismiss the thought. You take a sip of your own coffee and look up at him expectantly, waiting. He shakes his head.

It's your first coffee date, if you could call it a date. He'd called it that ("It's a date!" he'd said, and you remember exactly the tone of his voice over the phone), but the thought of the word made you nervous. The two of you had found a small cafe a block away from the bookstore. It was attractive in it's earthy colors and cute menu. There was no question it was the perfect place to settle for. You'd given him the rest of the money for the book the second you two sat down, but he'd insisted on going on with the "date" anyway.

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