just the start

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London , 2:30 am
"shit" he sighed "I really hate this job" he thought wiping the table which was in front of him .

Sting Euccliffe is a young man , moved to london three months ago searching for a job in that big city's streets after he he had been kicked from his previous job .

"money controls everything in this fucked up world" his mind was always deep in thoughts, he had nothing more than that job he hated so much , serving tables at the restaurant .
"and after all I have to stay at night too " he sighed again staring from the clean glass at the night , the lights were so bright as if it was not night
and for some reason he smiled , maybe the yellow candles sent a relief into his sick , tired heart ..
"oii , get back to work" the rough , ugly voice of his boss hit his sweet moment of peace
"fuck!" he get his notebook and went to the table who had already new people , a cute girl with a handsome guy who was holding  her hand so tight and whispering in her ear , while she explodes in laughter
"I wonder if they are a couple " he wondering as he stood by their table
"your order , please?"
"what do you think , darling?" the guy smiled at the girl asking gently
" hmm..what about Orange juice?" she smiled
"two orange juice please "
"okay , your order will be ready after two minutes"
"thank you " the girl smiled at sting before her boyfriend pulls her into his arm making her giggle loudly
Sting took his way to the kitchen , wondering if they were really happy ?! and thinking about how it is impossible for him to have that kind of relationships
"why the fuck not?" a voice hit his ears made him winden his eyes
"wha-" before he could think of any positive ideas he realised that it was  one of the people having an argument with his partner
-an hour later-
"get your ass ready we have an important guest " his boss gave him an annoying hit on the shoulder
"what a fucked up day!" he cursed looking from the glass.

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