Act 1 Scene 1

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(Scene opens with Cara walking into school with coffee in her hand with marry in the background flirting with jocks. Cara seems to be walking to her locker after dropping off her violin in the orchestra room. Violin case seems to be covered in stickers from multiple rock bands.)

Background music: Something with guitar and drums.

Narration (Cara): High School. The best place ever to get judged. I mean no one is gonna care in 20 years if you wore a certain type of shoes one day. Right? Well some of us don't that time. Life in right now. I can do anything I want, see anyone I want, be anyone I want, and no one can tell me otherwise. Well...Except for a few people. Mary and my parents. Mary? (Camera flips to Mary flirting with jocks but she is now in hallway next to the gym. She is wearing dress with a flannel tied around her waist. By the time narration is done talking about her jocks have left and she is browsing phone.) She is the most popular person in the whole school and a big brat. And my roommate/ my best friend. Should I be lucky right? Not. She bosses me around like crazy and I am not even going to start even gonna start on the strong perfume smells. But I love her. Then there is Asher. (Frame shifts to Asher walking with books after a zero hour and books gets pushed out of his hands by jocks and no one helps him pick them up.) He's an even bigger geek than I am, if that is even possible. He is the biggest theater nerd I know and loves anime. He also plays cello, but not very well. Just fills a credit and looks good on college applications. (Frame shifts back to Cara struggling to open locker. Locker has a bunch of stickers on it from various people saying "Get Well Soon!") But me? Music is my life. My violin is almost a part of me. It fits on me like an extra limb. Little did I know that it will save me.

(Asher walks up behind Cara's open locker. Cara is wearing a flannel, converse, black jeans, and her hair is in braids. Asher is wearing a hamilton tee shirt with headphones in his ears. He is holding textbooks and has a backpack on.)

Fade out background music.

Asher: 5 days in a row. That has to be a new record. (Laughs at the end.)

Cara: Hey! I had perfect attendance before I fainted on stage. (Continues to pack things in backpack.)

Asher: Yeah... About that...

Cara: Did another person make a remix? I swear! It's not funny! I stop breathing for like 2 minutes!

Asher: No it's not that. You lost the competition.

Cara: I figured. I didn't finish the piece.

(Mary walks up to them with her purse hung at her elbow.)

Cara: Finally done with flirting? I swear you have already made out with all of them.

Mary: I have not! Only like 3.

Asher: Whatever you say Ms. Popular... (Cara starts dying laughing at this.)

(Asher checks phone and realizes it 5 minutes before classes starts)

Asher: Gotta go. My class is on the other side of the school. Love ya guys. (Kisses Cara on the cheek like a brother would.)

Cara: See ya.

Mary: See ya later Naruto. (Asher giggles at this and walks away.)

(Cute guy walks by and grabs Mary's attention.)

Mary: (Distractedly) Hey I gotta go. (Runs after boy.) (Cara shakes her head and smiles as frame goes black as she shuts her locker.)

(New setting in a math classroom with Cara sitting next to Trey. Trey has headphones hoodie and jeans on. Cara has only her pencil, calculator and math sheet out.)

Trey: Cars?

Cara: Yes Trey

Trey: Can I see your notes?

Cara: Only if you give me a stick of gum.

Trey: Deal. (They shake hands and both reach for their back packs.) There is this beeping noise that is driving me insane.

Cara: (Passes him paper and collects gum, unwraps it and starts to chew.) That's my Holter Monitor.

Trey: Your what?

Cara: Holter Monitor. It's tracking my heart rhythm for a little bit. I'm going back to the doctor's tonight, so today is the only day it will annoy you.

Trey: They still haven't figured out what went wrong? You have had like 200 tests run on you by now.

Cara: Yeah but I fainted on stage, went to the ER conscious then fainted again and back and forth all night.

Trey: You will tell me if you end up being truly sick right?

Cara: Of course! But hopefully that is not the case.

Trey: Good, because if I have to find out from stupid girl gossiping, I will punch you.

Cara: I promise. (Laughs)

(Scene ends as frame goes black as the bell rings)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2017 ⏰

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