chapter 1

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Alivea's (me) P.O.V.
I woke up at 6:30 AM, thinking about the annoying pun markiplier(mark) was gonna say today. Since I couldn't sleep I got up to go check my videos, after I did that I watched a vine video that my friend iyanah told me about. Then I went in msp (movie star planet) I kept getting friends request from newbies I was like " I wish there was a puke button"

Chapter 2

I got dressed as I put my shirt on my phone rang, it was Sean, (jacksepticeye). I picked up my phone and answered it. "What" I said. "Umm Dakota told me to go to your house" said Sean "why?" I said back "because she said she was gonna meet me and you at your house with Mark, iyanah, Layla, and ethen (crankgameplays)" he said again "oh OK" my face got red "bye" I said "bye,I'll be there at your house at 12:30 pm" he said then hung up. I grabbed my pillow blushed, then smiled. And I don't know why. It was 12:23 and I herd a knock at my door, I ran to get it and nearly fell. I opened the door. "Uh hi" Sean said with a soft voice. "Hi, come sit down if you want" I said back trying not to look directly at him. He walked passed me through the door way and sat down. I shut the door. "I will be back" I ran to my room to get my makeup, then into the bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror I sighed.

Chapter 3

Me and Sean have known each other for about 3 years, and I still can't tell him that I...I umm Like him. I walked out into the living room, Sean looked up and stared at me , I stared back at him it was the awkwardest moment no had ever experienced. I walked into the kitchen to get a water, "Sean" I said "yeah" he said back. "Do you want a water?" I said staring at the fridge. Sean took a minute to answer "uhh no I'm fine thanks though" he said with a concerned voice. "Dakota and them are here" said Sean "OK" I said back we both walked out the door. "Hi alivea" said Dakota "oh hey " I said back as I got in the car. I looked at Sean and though "well I mean we are very close friends" I looked there other way out the window pretending I didn't look at him. I was surprised that Mark didn't look at me or say anything. "Can we go to Starbucks" I said outloud "YEAH CAN WE?!?!" Layla shouted. "that's where we are going" said Dakota. I was super tired at that moment, I put my head on the head rest and shut my eyes.

Chapter 4

We arrived at Starbucks. "Yay" I yelled we all got out of the car Mark ordered a vanilla coffee, Jack and dakota ordered a mocha coffee, I ordered a vanilla frappe, ethen ordered mocha frappe,and so did Layla and iyanah. Our bill was 30 dollars. I didn't mind  Dakota was paying. After that we went to the great northern mall. "We need to go to Clare's" I said, "yeah" said iyanah. The others didn't want to go so only Me, layla, and iyanah went. Mark, Sean, ethen, and Dakota went to hot topic we all finally left the mall after 3 hours we then went to go get sushi , and then Dakota dropped us off. "Liv" Sean said "yes" I said back "do you um... mind if I stay the night? Sean asked. "No but why don't you wanna go home?" I asked "I don't know" he said back "well... yeah you can stay the night" I said back.

Chapter 5

We watched a movie, it was over so I got up to go check the window because I thought I herd something. "You OK?" Sean said. " Yeah... I'm fine". I went to go get pajamas on. "Liv" Sean said "yeah I said back". I want ask you something" he said. "Sure...anything." I did with a polite voice. Do you... umm like me.?" He asked with a embarrassed voice. "Uhh what no! who said that" I already knew I gave out the real answer u was acting weird and my face was super red. "Mark did" He starred at me. "Well I um" I said. "Are you lying?" He asked "what! No here" I said all shaky. "Yes you are Sean said "fine I do" I couldn't believe the words that came out of my mouth. Sean walked up to me and hugged me. OK I thought. After a few minutes I went to bed. Sean came in my room and said "are you OK?" Yes I replied I sat up. He looked at me he hugged me again. I was blushing so bad it probably looked like no smashed my face in red paint. He stopped hugging me we both leaned forward and then backed up then we both went to bed. I guess Sean decided to sleep in my room with me because when I woke up he was behind me sleeping.

Chapter 6

I woke Sean up, "WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING IN MY ROOM! when I yelled it seemed to of have startled him. "I-I DONT KNOW" Sean yelled back. He looked extremely tired. He jumped up off the bed, "why did you tell me I could stay the night then" he yelled "because you asked" I said in a normal voice. Sean walked into the livingroom. After he walked out I got dressed, I put on jeans and shirt. When I walked into the living room, Dakota and Layla where sitting in the couch with Sean. "So" Dakota said, I just stared at her. "Are all of you guys leaving" I asked "yeah do you wanna go?" Said Layla. "I guess" I said back. We went to Dakota's house. It was super hot in the back of the car. "Hi" said Mark "hi" I said back with a boring voice. Mark turned around and looked at me, I has no makeup on . And my hair was bun a messy bun. " your ugly" mark laughed . I knew he was just joking. " boi, where" I said back. Mark laughed. We finally got to Dakota's house. I sat down, mark sat down next to me. I looked at him he looked at me, them we looked away from each other.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2017 ⏰

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