Okay, first of all...I am a human. I will only say this about 15,000 times in my annoying rants. I am a girl. My body does not determine my gender.
So all of you haters can back off. If you are just here to call me names, I will just delete your comments and mute you. I don't have to deal with that.
Okay, so I choose the name Stella Luna because I've always been interested in the stars and moon.
Just thought I would get that out of the way.
So, in Latin my first and middle name together is Star Moon. Cool, huh?
Anyway, I am a Harry Potter, Black Butler, P!TAD, Jacksepticeye, gaming FANGIRL.
See? Do I seem like a freak to you? Do I seem like I'm strange. Or do I seem like your average, weird,random 13 year old GIRL?
So, if you are just here to pull me down you can leave this instant.
Star----OUT ✌
Stay classy and huggible and always love glitter ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤