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Marinette loved it.

What did she love?

Her internship. It was nearly to the point of being miraculous. An internship under Gabriel Agreste was everything she could have ever wished for at that point of her life and was going to look amazing on her resume. She was determined to be so good that he would be willing to write her a reference; if not offering her a job himself!

To be completely honest she had not yet started but that didn't matter. She would start and she would be amazing.

There had been a lot of preparation going into this internship. Marinette had been forced to make it through a rigorous application process. There had been the paperwork at the beginning, then there had been a sketch, then more paperwork and more sketches. Finally, she had made a jacket to fit measurements he had supplied. It had to fit perfectly for her to be considered, and it had.

And Adrian had worn it.

Ignoring that, she had made it though, signed all the clauses about how the internship could be terminated at any time, that anything creative belonged to him and that she wasn't allowed to talk about anything she saw (with alarmingly few exceptions), and was about to start. She was technically going through school and this was one of her subjects. Before they allowed her to graduate she was forced to do at least one practical experience and it was amazing that this was it.

Other preparations had included mentioning to Chat that this was a new endeavour. He knew that she had been passionate about a certain industry for a long time now and had just landed to the internship of her dreams under a king of the industry. He had been pleased but had wondered, correctly, how this was going to affect their fights against the Akumas. Marinette as Ladybug had been forced to admit that there may be times when she turned up late to the battle, but in return, she promised to bring him cookies regularly whilst it was all going on.

All that was left was to start.

There were some nerves. That was normal, Alya had assured her before mentioning that she had better be able to get out all her words in front of him otherwise it was going to be a very short internship indeed.

Two weeks later it was no longer the dream internship.

M. Agreste was a tight-ass.

There was no other way of saying it. She was practically run off her feet with everything. Nathalie, of course, was acting as the secretary, but so that she had "an appropriate level of experience within the fashion empire", she had to follow the lady around nearly constantly. There had been only a few times where she had managed to properly talk with him and that was mainly him talking to her about what she was to do next. There had barely been time to touch her sketch book in the two weeks and she hadn't even seen any fabric in the same time.

Thankfully Nathalie didn't question her disappearances when there was an Akuma running around. Apparently, the woman wasn't very keen on them and took to disappearing as soon as possible when one was running around. She would have begun to suspect that the woman was Hawkmoth if it weren't for the fact that the villain was a man and Mme Sancoeur was a woman.


Well, she assumed that Hawkmoth was a man. He sounded nothing like Nathalie...

Marinette was now three weeks into her internship and sitting on the fence about whether she should just give up now and become a hermit, or continue like this. Alya was voting hermit, as her feelings about the internship had been one of the few things not mentioned in the contract.

The emails had started.

Oh, why did the emailing system have to exist?

One of the exciting perks about her internship was that she had been given a company email. The less exciting part was that she was expected to be within the range of it constantly. During her other classes (which to her distress continued to run), she constantly had to take a step outside to either answer the phone call or the email because of the teacher's "no phone" policy within the classroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2017 ⏰

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