Summer Loving

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Hey, My name is Carmen and all I wanted to say is that i hope you enjoy what I write(:


Chapter 1- Bailey's P.O.V

"Bales, sweety you need anything before we leave?" Thats my mom, her name is Ruby, calling from the kitchen. She's leaving on a two week cruise with my daddy, his name is David,  for a 'family vacation' as they call it, without me and Im the only child they got so I think its just a vacation for them. I bet they just want to 'do it' those sicko's, they've always been horn dogs.

Sniff Sniff. " No ma, Im good Im getting over my cold anyways so just go have for me. Remind me again why i can't go with you on this 'family vacation'? I mean, I am part of this family right." My nose Is a little runny since I'm sick, Im not scared to stay home alone even though It is kind of big, my daddy has a good paying job which means we have about two maids to clean the house for me.  

" you still have two weeks of school left and you need to finish, We'll be back before you graduate anyways." Oh right, school. Atleast Im almost done then it's summer break and me, my boyfriend Jared and our friends will be going to the cabin for one week. The thought brings a smile to my face.

"Alright Mom, have a good trip. BYE! love ya'll both!" I hear the door shut and all I could think was, Freedom. It's about 1 in the afternoon on a Sunday, tomorrow I have school then I get to see my babe Jared we have been together for about a month and half. He's been such a doll, taking care of me while Im sick. Which Reminds me that he'll be here in about an hour for a movie day. 

- When jared gets to the house.

knock knock knock.  I jump up and fix my self so I dont look such a mess. I run to the door and swing it open. I'm about to jump into his arms when I see how sad he looks.

"hey babes, everything okay?" I say wondering why he looks to sad. "Come in and I'll make us popcorn." I try wrapping my arms around him but he stops me which i take as a bad sign. 

'Bailey stop, we need to talk." That does not sounds good at all, I feel my self start to panic. I pull him to the couch and tell him to sit.

"O- okay, whats u-up?" I try act cool but It comes out in a stutter and I feel my self shaking a bit.

" well I'll start with I cheated on you more than once with your cousin Shelly." I stop breathing, I mean I knew she was a slut but I didn't think she'd ever do this to me. " It was only supose to be a one time thing when we we're drinking but it kept going. We started getting feelings for eachoth-"I put my head down in dissapointment. and i felt tears threatening to come out.

"Out." is all that come out of my mouth.


" I said OUT!" i shout at the end. 

"but im not done explaining everything to you Bales!" he stands up a little mad, which is stupid because Im the upset one here. 

"Don't call me that, you don't deserve to call me that you asshole. And I dont care that your not done telling me that you fucked my cousin, which by the way she was kinda like my sister." I finished.

"some sister" I heard him whisper.

"Just get out." I say as i sit down and let a small bit of tears escape.

"Im sorry I hurt you."

All i could think is you broke your promis and you did hurt me  I pushed him away and he walks towards the door then I hear the door click.

Jared and Shelly are assholes.  sniff sniff. Stupid cold.

I take out my phone and text my best friend Janny, its short for Janielle.

Me: Hey Jan Jan, Come over plzz? Jared dumped me 4 Shelly.

I didnt even wait a minutes for a reply.

Janny: U mean ur cousin? Ohh helll naaw gurl! I'll B rite over with ice cream and we'll watch netflix all night long <33333

Me: Thx bbg, Il be waiting.

I laugh because I love how she knows I don't like romances when I get dumped, it makes me cry more. 

I wait ten minutes for her to get here then when i put a movie, even though we don't pay attention to what is going on, I explain everything that happened with me and jared without any emotion. 

"Please girl, let me cut him!" I laugh because she's been trying to sound all ghetto recently.

sniff sniff.  "Don't worry, It was only a month and a half we were together I'll get over it soon." My throat tightens because Im about to cry.

"But sweety, He took your virginity, It ain't that easy to get over something that big." I start crying harder and lean on Janielle and shake my head because I know what she means. He was my first and I was hoping he was my last for a while longer. We did it after a month because he seemed so into me and now I see that I was just a toy. 

"It's going to be okay" I love that she's trying to sooth me but I know I'll get through it. I smile and look at her, then I notice 'Clueless' the movie i put on was already over and it was already 4 in the afternoon.

I giggle because I must look like a mess.

"Bales, You want me to stay over? ill help you get rid of everything Jared gave you including your photos" She gives me a little smile. 

I smile back and laugh wrapping an arm around her, she really is the bestest friend a girl could have. She pulls me up stairs to my room and I walk in slowely realizing that even though we have barely been together we have alot of pictures together and he bought and gave me alot of things. That makes me want to cry again untill loud music is blasted up and scares me. I stare at Jan with big eyes and she's laughing at me. I shake my head and laugh with her.


This is my first chapter, please give me some feedback!

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