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"Go on Mari, I want to hear your life story, but don't make too long that I run out of cheese."Plagg asked, still complaining about cheese.

"OK Plagg, even though you've heard it so many times before." Marinette replied amused at the cheese loving cat-kwami.

Marinette was currently at Adrien's house with her mom and dad. Every weekend they went to Adrien's house as they were like family to him. Adrien was Marinette's boyfriend since they had learnt each other's identities at the age of 16. After they defeated Hawkmoth, which was half a  year after the reveal, they told Marinette's parents that they were ladybug and chat noir. After that, Adrien was asked by Marinette to become her prince and the prince of China. After all, they were soulmates so nothing could separate them.

After her story, Marinette was about to go to her and Adrien's room but her mum called them back.

"Marinette, Adrien, don't forget that on Wednesday, you won't be going school because you will be both going to China first thing because,"

"of our proper coronation on my birthday and we have to defeat illusionniste de paon (means peacock illusionist in french) in our final battle. Thank you mother, I don't need to be reminded." Marinette finished in a bored voice because of the thousands of times she had said it before. 

Marinette went to her and Adrien's room and got changed as she was waiting for Adrien. He was currently talking to Marinette's parents about something that was between them three. A few minutes later he came into the room with a smile on his face because of the conversation he just had. He got changed and climbed into bed next to Marinette.

" Goodnight Bugaboo and sweet dreams." He said in a sleepy voice as he yawned. Marinette loved this about him because no matter what state he was in, he always managed to give her a compliment or say something that would love him even more.

"Aww kitty, goodnight and sweet dreams to you too. Wake me up when you wake up because you know how bad I am when it comes to timing."

"Don't worry princess, I will. "

With that, they both fell asleep in each others arms peacefully dreaming about how great their civilian lives are and how awesome as well as dangerous their superhero personas are.

Hello my fellow fandom. This is my second book and I hope you like my story line. I wanted to go for a different approach because it was getting a bit boring (sorry if this sounds rude). Anyway,

have a great as catnip day and meow-velous bye for meow.(I got that from Kittify, It turns anything you say to cat puns.)

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