50 Problems That Short People Have.

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1.) People making fun of you because you're short.

2.) You are always "cute". Never "hot". Just cute.

3.) When you wear heels, you take them off, and people say, "wow, you're short!"

4.) When capris reach your ankles.

5.) When people hug you and your face smashes into their boobs.

6.) When your friends look up in the air over your head and go "Where's _____?"

7.) Always having to stand in front in class photos even though you don't want to be there.

8.) People underestimate your atheletic ability.

9.) People don't believe you when you tell them your age because they think you are younger.

10.) You're actually suprised when people guess your age correctly.

11.) Getting a child's ticket at the movie theatre. and you're 16.

12.) Having to climb the counters and chairs in a kitchen to reach things from high up shelves.

13.) When you're in the pool with your friends and you have to tread while their feet can still touch the bottom.

14.) When you can't see the band during a concert because of all the tall people right in front of you.

15.) When you take pictures with tall people and they bend their knees.

16.) When people bend down to your height and ask "Is this really how you see the world!?"

17.) Gaining five pounds and it looks like you've gained twenty.

18.) Your awkward attempt to hug someone with your arms above their shoulders even though you're too short.

19.) Always having to look slightly upwards to talk to people.

20.) Your feet don't touch the floor when sitting on a chair.

21.) You have trouble getting into the big stools at some sort of bar.

22.) When your friends drop something and they ask you to get it because you're closer to the ground.

23.) Can't reach the pull up bar in gym.

24.) Oompa Loopa jokes.

25.) Walking up the stairs and someone's butt in your face.

26.) Your tall friends find it amusing to steal your possesions then make you "Jump for it!"

27.) You were the tall kid, but you hit puberty early and stopped growing. Now you're the short kid.

28.) When the sun visor doesn't even help when you're riding in a car because you're to short.

29.) When you can't share an umbrella with someone because of the huge height difference.

30.) You sit on a public toilet and your feet don't touch the floor.

31.) Knowing that everything is just slightly our of your reach.

32.) When the awesome pair of pants you want are too long.

33.) When you're short and Irish, you're automatically a leprechaun.

34.) Waiting for someone to walk by in a store so you can ask them to get something off a shelf for you.

35.) There are holes in the bottom of your pants legs because they drag on the floor.

36.) Feeling the need to add "and a half" when someone asks for your height.

37.) While you stand on the curb, your friend standing on the street is still taller than you.

38.) People using you as a arm rest.

39.) When you're older and a bunch of little kids are taller than you.

40.) Monkey in the middle.

41.) People walking into you and saying "Sorry, didn't see you there."

42.) When people know you as the short one.

43.) You are always stuck with the middle backseat because your legs are shorter.

44.) Being picked up against your will.

45.) "Stand up so I can compare your height to [insert tall person name here.]

46.) Televsion commercials that you should be in a booster seat according to your height.

47.) When people bend down to hear you when you are talking to them.

48.) Not taken seriously when you're mad.

49.) Always having to walk faster because your three steps in someone else's one step.

50.) Having to deal with all of the above because you are short.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2012 ⏰

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