The Last Day

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A/N This is my first book so give me constructive criticism in the comments please. Thx

Alyssa's Point Of  View

All I hear is "Wake up! It's the last day at school!"

I turn over knowing it's my sis calling.

I hear it again, "WAKE UP!!!!!!!!" shaking me vigorously.

"I'M UP!", I yell loudly.

"Sure", my sis says."Just get up."

First things first if you must know I'm a 12th grader at Florida State High School (A/N Made it up) and I got accepted to Florida State University (A/N I think that's what it's called) and on a full scholarship too!! Oh yeah, my name is Alyssa Horan-Limon.

I'm not exactly sure why Horan is part of it and I don't believe I am really related to Niall Horan from One Direction. Mostly because I was adopted from Ireland and Horan is a common last name there. I have and older bro named Shawn and a younger sis named Ginger. Anyway enough about my family and back to the morning.

I got up, walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I took a shower with nice hot water and dried myself off. Wrapping the towel around my body I walk back into my room and put on my undergarments quickly. Choosing a green geek shirt, booty shorts, suspenders, and my green kd's.  I walk downstairs smelling pancakes on the stove. I eat my breakfast as fast as I can. After breakfast I get in my cherry red Lamborghini and speed off to school located 20 minutes away from my house with my dress for graduation.

When I get to school my best friends Illyana, Carina, Keke, Sidney, Zaskya, Elena, and Addy are waiting for me by my locker and you can see that they are pissed from far away. Today after the graduation ceremony and party, we are meeting up with Selah, Emily, Ella, Sarah, Ebony, and Kailen to have a sleepover a my parent's beach house. We go to our classroom getting ready for graduation in a few hours

We got our yearbooks and got time to sign each other's yearbooks After you got ready for the graduation ceremony putting on our clothes underneath and then our caps and gowns.

As I walk in the auditorium I see my mom and dad and everyone else in the room looking at us as we walk to our seats in the audience. Calling us in alphabetical order, I'm ready because my last name starts with a L.

"Alyssa Limon", I hear Mr.Russell say. With a roar of  applause, I stand smiling and walk up to the stage.

"Congratulations Alyssa!", Mr. Russell says giving me my certificate and shaking my hand  After I turn to the crowd smile and sit down in between Illyana and Kiki. After all the names are called, Mr. Russell calls me to give the valedictorian speech for our class.

" I will be blunt: no advice will be given in this speech. Alas, many people can give better advice, people who are older, more educated, and more experienced than I. It is neither worth your time nor mine to hear the ruminations of an eighteen year old. Instead, read books, listen to music, play tennis or baseball or any other sport, or just do something fun, all activities more worthwhile than listening to my advice. Maybe when I'm 60 and, hopefully, rich and famous, I'll be worthy of giving advice. I hope this class of 2014 May be blessed and be prosperous for th rest of their limited life here on Earth. Thank you parents for putting in the extra mile and supporting us for 4 years in high school. Also thank you teachers for teaching us knowledge to take with us for the rest of our lives."

All I can hear is applause for the auditorium. I continue on anyway.

"Can the class of 2014 please stand..... Ladies and gentlemen may I present to you, the class of 2014! "

We all throw our caps in the air and all at once everyone starts talking but I find my mom and dad wave bye to the girls after we take a picture and leave. I get in my red Lamborghini and drive home finally free from the stress of high school. I showered because I was sweaty and got dressed in a red dress with red heels and red lipstick. Driving back to school an hour early to make sure everything was in place. Theme was red, yellow, and white and in order to participate in the dance you had to wear red, yellow and white. When I get there the dj is at the turntable, the food is already on the table, and I see people waiting outside ready to get in. After I check all of that I look outside being more people and then I look at the clock and see that it's only 20 minutes before the dance starts. I open the doors for them to come in and they rush in sitting at their assigned seats at their tables.


- Alyssa xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2016 ⏰

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