~The Kill~
~Chapter 4~
~Sky's P.O.V~
My eye's came in contact with Rosalie's. We were the same in some ways, but more so different. She wasn't much older than I, possibly younger. She was definitely a member of the pack. The pack was not a rival of mine, it would never be one. Some were good people. Other's; murderers. Never the less. They were still good people.
Rosalie took a step forwards.
Neither of us moved for awhile. All stood silent. Both our hair waved in the wind. But something, rather, someone, broke the silence.
"Rosa!" Elk called out to the girl in front of me.
Rosalie looked at me for a second, before backing away and turning in a sprint towards the beckoning voice.
I mumbled something and took a step back, wandering back to Bailey's cave. The closest thing to a house I'd ever get.
The night was quiet. Flower's were glowing. The clearing was such a strange place. Strange, and beautiful. It had survived thick and thin. Abominations, disasters, tornados, tea parties, and being blown up. The clearing was home to many people, many species. It brought everyone together. Brought people to war, and to peace.
Once I made it to the cave, the lights were all off. A note was written in blood on the wall. Bailey's way of getting things to me. 'Be back later, hunting. Bailey'. I sighed, well, joy!
Home alone, in a cave. With monsters. A shiver rolled down my spine.
"Hey SkySky" A familiar male voice whispered in my ear as his arms snaked around my waist. Holding me against him.
"Hey Lynk" I nodded. At least I wasn't completely alone, I had Lynk with me. Although he was a hormonal teenager...
He turned my face so I was looking into his eye's. Before I could protest about whatever he had in mind, he was crushing my lip's with his.
I was only 10, I didn't know how to kiss. But I seemed to be doing it right, because he had pulled me closer. Both his strong arm's supporting the weight of my lower back as he slowly led me to my bedroom.
~Bailey's P.O.V~
I was running for hours. I wasn't really hunting. No. I was looking for someone, someone in particular. And I was determined to find that person. For crying out loud the world wasn't that big! But at this pace... I'd crash without what I needed. And there, I saw him. He stood his back to me. Zen.
"That child you have, deadly little thing" He said with his soft, and melodic voice. It warmed me up on the inside, despite my hatred for him. Was it hatred? I didn't really know. It was the only emotion I ever felt. Hate.
"She's not that bad." I said with my hollow voice. It seemed to pass right through him. Not even stopping for him to absorb my words.
"She's too strong; she's a threat." He said dully. Turning around to now face me.
"A threat to who? Your little pack?" I teased.
"To everyone. Even yourself. She's a weapon" He pointed out. Still just as dull as the last. "And if she gets out of hand, who will stop her? She's not human"
"I'm very much aware of that, Zen." I growled. I would stand up for her. I was her guardian, right?
"Kill her off while she's still young. Before she remembers" He growled. Shoving me in the chest. With that order, he began to walk off.
"Wait!" I cried out. I wouldn't be able to do that. Sky was a good person.
"Just do it."
"I can't" I was now on my knee's. My feet sprawled out across the ground. My face in my hands. My elbows on my knee's.
"You're a demon, of course you can" With those final words, he was gone.
I was left there, my face in my hands. In the dark.
Pondering over what I should or shouldn't do. She was my apprentice. If I trained her right, she should be able to be a better person, right? Or maybe all these assumptions were wrong. And I was going to die. No, bad Bailey. I scolded myself mentally.
~Lynk's P.O.V~
I lay in bed, completely naked, with Schuyler in my arm's. I went over the previous events.
A sigh left my lip's.
"Mmm what's wrong Lynk?" Sky asked. Damn, she had woken up?
"Nothing" I reassured, smiling.
She nodded, a fake nod obviously. She didn't believe me. Well, her mind was set on the right path.
"Sleep" I ordered. I myself, was a bit tired. I buried my face in the crook of her neck before slowly dozing off.
~Chapter 4. Although it's not the greatest~