That Night

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She stood there, watching the sun set,

The day was over, but the night had started to dwell.

Her heart was beating, tired of the anxiousness inside,

She knew that she could not give up the last ray of hope which was there.

The chill of the wind chilled her bare hands and feet,

She searched for victory but all she could find was defeat.

There was a burden on her shoulders under whose weight she'd be crushed,

She looked at a Banyan tree which gleamed after the downpour and wished that she could be like that, mighty and strong.

She felt drained of courage, strength and hope.

A silent cry escaped from her broken heart and her dry throat.

When the stars twinkled in the night sky,

She realized that even the twilight of her life had died,

Now unafraid she lived among the shadows and the moon was her guide.

                                                                                                                   - Prapti

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