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(In a silent house-NEELANKARAI)
"Its always hard to forget the childhood days..Hope you remember me major"  I stand next to them.He gives me a terrific look which he used against his enemies in war.

"I am not going to be frightened by that look.Moreover I am not impressed by it anymore"

"You are doing a grave mistake..Untie us and I will let you live"

"Remember your position major.How can You speak like this after being tied up and someone is waiting to kill you?"

"Please leave us.Its not good to torture us.Remember who you are"

I can see her tears rolling down her cheek.Sometimes its hard to watch people begging for their lives,particularly women.Its not about feminism.Its about emotion and sentiments that arise when women cry.I am not someone who disrespect woman's feelings.But this one is an exception.One can understand this when he is in my situation.

"Listen.Its not me who is doing this.Its you who forced me to do this.Moreover Being a wife of a military major,you should not cry like this.You must be ready to sacrifice your life"

Every word  I utter makes his face glow in anger.I can feel his anger.

"Do you think you can escape?You will die for sure and you will go to hell.You son of a..."

I forced my knife through  Martha's neck.This made him to stop the sentence before its completion.

"Trying to trigger my anger is like triggering a time bomb placed on your head.When it explodes its not you alone going to die,its everyone around you.So don't try to irritate me.As you were saying,I am son of a witch and now the witch is dead"

He cries on seeing Martha covered with blood.He can't control his emotions."Is this how you express your gratitude?"

"Don't worry I will join you in hell and we can have our family reunion there soon.Goodbye Dad"  The knife pierced through his neck.I can't watch my parents beg for their life.At the same time,I can't forgive these culprits.They deserve this.Soon I will join them.


(Next Morning)

Forensic team is working in full swing from early morning.Major Francis is not that close to me but I have heard a lot about him.He never believed in relatives and so he stayed in this house in remote corner of the city.Moreover finding a silent crowdless area here is difficult.None of his relatives knows his existence here.Even his wife is an orphan.Meanwhile my phone rings in time as to disturb my thought.It must be Assistant commisioner.The display shows AC.

"Good morning sir"

"Subash how is the investigation going?Any sign of murder?"

"Not yet sir.Major never announced anyone that he is living here.He didn't even had a security"

"Any sign of robbery?"

"No sir.The Forensic team is searching for any evidence.There are no neighbouring house here.So I asked constable Raj to enquire people in nearby street.I will update you asap"

"Good and this is not a formal one ,as leakage of information will lure media towards us.We can't answer them until we come to a conclusion.So contact me through phone alone"

"okay sir."

Its good to have a friendly higher official who motivates us to do work.Raj seems to be struggling to reach me,walking past the group of forensic without disturbing them.

"Sir.I enquired everyone around the house.There are only few families residing in this area.Most of them never live here permanently"

"what do you mean by that?"

"Its a kind of guest house or farm house where people visit only for vacation.Moreover this place is completely isolated from streets nearby this area.Few said that once in a blue moon they noticed a green car moving out of this area"

"uhmm.It must be major's car."

"Inspector there are no footprints and fingerprints in this site other than major's and his wife's". The forensic officer said this with disappointment as he has no clues to offer me.

"Its okay officer.We can proceed this once we obtain postmortem report.lets move out of this place."

The officers already placed the crime tape around the house and stared to pack their tools.

"Listen Raj.You guard here and make sure no one enters the site. I will send two more officers to the site.If anything to notify call me.Don't use walky-talkie."

"okay sir.And.."


"why should major select such a remote place to live?"

"Time should answer us.First of all the postmortem report is what I am expecting to provide some clues.Okay be in position.I will call you later if needed"

The engine started and I can feel everything moving except the case.I watch the house fading out in mirror as my car is slowly moving past the gate..


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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2017 ⏰

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