Chapter 1: Sibiling Rivalry

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My name is {First name} {Middle name} {Last name}. I am, at the time of this entry, 16 years old. I live right outside of Roma, one of the most popular cities in all of Italia. My Brothers, younger sister, mother and father live at Villa {Last name}. We are concidered one of the most richest families, only because of my father's wealth in his family history. He is one of the leaders of this group of some sort, known as Templars. My father constantly persuades my siblings and I to become memebers, and I almost took the offer. Vitali and Alexio, my oldest brothers, did however join without thinking: 'Was there ever going to be away out? What are their gains in life? What is thier purpose of existence? How will this benifit me?' But here I am now, deciding, what do I do in my lifetime? Is this what I reall want? But then again, I have no choice. And neither does Amelia. She is much too young to know what she is doing, but I know, she will. She will never understand what they do. And for the reason. But neither do I. I will write again, another time.

~{First name} {Last name}

Putting the ink back in the inkwell, you looked outside. The sun began to set in the summer sky. This was your favorite time of year, the reason unknown to you. You opened the doors to the balcony, letting the breeze of the ocean cool you. You smiled at the thought of your husband standing by you, holding your waist, smiling, too. But, of course, that wasn't true. You had no husband. You had no happy memories. No one to share them with. Your smile faded as you held the railing.

"{Name}!" called the voice of Vitali, your oldest brother. "Cosa stai facendo? Si dovrebbe essere al piano di sotto con tutti gli altri! (What are you doing? You should be downstairs, with eveyone else!)"

"Vitali! Non sapetedi sapere quando si entra nella stanza di una signora? (Vitali! Don't you know to knock when entering a lady's room?)" you scolded.

"Eri decente, non eravate? (You were decent, were you not?)" he asked annoyed. No, you werent his most favorite sister, but as his job of being the older brother, he had to protect you.

"E suppongo che non ero? (And suppose I wasn't?)" you spoke out. He left the room, walking backwards. You closed the doors of the balcony, grabbed your best cloak and followed down the big, carpeted staircase.

"Ah, {Name}," your father spoke, his words echoed off the walls of the rather large foyer. "Now you decide to join us?"

"Scusarmi, papa (Excuse me, papa)" you said looking down to find you cloak flowing behind you. "I lost track of time."

"So can we go now, papa?" asked Amelia, ecstatic to leave the big castle, as it looked due to the house's grandness in size.

"Sì, il mio giovane (Yes, my young one)" he said patting her little head, "We will leave now, Carnevale can't wait much longer."


Once you arrived, the people, the buildings, all of Venice was decorated for Carnevale. You were so happy, this may be your chance to find love. Possibly not, if Vitali keeps following you. Your father lead the way, through the streets. The people moved and bowed as you walked by. Even the peasant boys looked at you, with mischievous looks. They whistled at you and yelled dirty things to you, what they could do to that body of yours, from the sidelines. You looked at them, your cheeks turning a slight red.

"Ignore them, {Name}" your father sighed. You looked straight ahead, to where all of the dancing, music, food and merchants were. "Vitali, you can take Ameila around; Alexio, you can take {Name}" your father spoke out in the loudness of the celebration. Your mother was linked to your father's arm. She knew she would never get a chance to slip away.

"Ma, padre (But, father)" Vitali spoke without turn. "Penso che dovrei prendere- (I think I should take-)"

"No, my decision is final---now go along before I change my mind."

They all nodded, including you. Alexio is much weaker than Vitali, so he would be easier to manipulate. That gave you the greater advantage. You could sneek off whenever you wanted. Even meet whoever you wanted. This...could actually work.


so I'm editing chapters because I thought that after I do, I can get back in the mood for some ac2 again

aaaand I'll be adding pictures and music videos because i think it's cool

thank you for your time :P


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