"Dad" Letter 1

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Dear "Dad", 

I know this is something you'll never read, and that's how this will stay. Honestly I don't really know where to begin, I mean what the fuck, you should have talked to me. You should have treated me for what I am: your son. I remember growing up that I was always really confused as to why I didn't live with you. I grew up with your mother, which funny enough, is the same woman I call Mom. You were around, and by "around" I mean I'd see you every couple of weeks. Sad,considering the fact you lived in the apartments above us to the left. Yeah...I remember. I remember a few times, i was allowed to come over and play. I was so lost as to why there were always people smoking, and different people I never saw before. I remember watching you roll, what i know now were blunts, and ask you if I could try. You, of course, said maybe when you're older. I also remember the time we walked down the street to a nearby burger joint, so i could get some fries. I especially remember the fries because they were the "wavy ones" as I called them. I remember getting the fries and you had us wait there until a man came out of no where and you two exchanged something from one another, but I mean I didn't know or care because I just got some fries and to be with you. Tell me "Dad" did you really want to spend time with me? Or was i just another asset to cover up you're not too discrete drug deals?

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2017 ⏰

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