Part of Me

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 Hi guys. I told you that I was writing a Mace and here we go!

I wake up in my own bed, groggy and hungover. Something was different, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I turn over and feel something on the other side of my bed... "Grace!" I screamed, pulling the covers down and realizing that we're both very naked. "Shhh, Mames, I'm trying to sleep." Grace said, putting a finger over my lips and letting her hand trail down the length of my body. She was clearly still drunk, so I immediately went into care taker mode. "Grace, baby, what happened last night?" "We watched Katy Perry." "What happened after that?" "We got drunk, DUH!" "Yes, I see... do you remember anything else after that, sweetie? Maybe something about us getting naked?" "I'm not naked, why would I-" Grace suddenly became very self-aware. "Shit! Why are we naked? Did we?" "I don't know... Would it matter?"

{You see, I've always had this little crush on Grace Helbig. We've known each other for years, but she's had boyfriends and I didn't want to seem like an idiot for wanting her, so I went through boyfriends like a fat guy at a hot dog eating contest... Wow. Get back to Grace.}

"Mamrie... What's going on? Does this not ma-" "Shh!"

Just then, the images of last night danced through my head and I remembered every single blissful moment.


"When are you getting here, Helbig?" "I'll be there in 5. Do you have my wig?" "Duh, bitch. Makeup?" "Check." "Outfit?" "Check." "Okay, what do you want to order?" "Thai? Greek? French fries?" "How about all three! Pigging out tonight!" "Bye, Mames."

Just like she said, five minutes later, she pulled in my driveway, fully dressed and fully adorable.

I had my radio on and Girls by The 1975 came on, which made me think of Hannah... So many fans shipped Hartbig. I just want them to ship some Mace goddammit.

I was curious as to which Grace shipped the most and me, being me, decided to go for it and ask her.

"Hey Helbig?  Who's your Holy Trinity OTP?"

"Oh, Mace for sure!" she said with a wink.

"Really? I always thought you for a Hartbig kind of gal!"

"I go for the underdogs. It's you and me against the world."

I looked over at the clock and it was almost 3:30. We had to start the Katy Perry movie at 4. "I think we should order food now, Grace." "I'll do it. You want your usual?" "Yeah with all the hummus and shit."

(Hummus and shit? She's going to think you're a glorified fucking idiot. Good going, Mametown.)

"Okay babe. I'll be right back."

Babe? Woah okay calm your tits. It's probably nothing. Wait. Does she have feelings for me? I know one way to find out... Get the bitch drunk.

Our food arrived and we went live. Laughing and making jokes, drinking and answering questions, and just having fun. Everything was weighing on my mind. I've known Grace for years and never thought about her this way until now. I mean, look at her, she's gorgeous! Her blonde hair tucked slightly under her red wig, her over the top makeup, her teeth, and just her overall perfection. God! When is this damn movie going to be over? I need to talk to this goddess of a fucking woman.

Twenty minutes and two beers a piece later, the Livestream was over.

"Grace, can we talk for just a second?" "Sure Mames, what's up?" "Do you remember before we started, when I asked you who you shipped?" "Yeah..." "Um,I ship us too. Grace, we've known each other for years and I've always thought of myself as straight. I've had these feelings for you, Grace, for a very long time, but I've only recently admitted it to myself. I know you probably don't feel the same way about me... I just needed to put this all out there. I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship or either of ours with Hannah. " "Why would you think it would ruin anything?" Grace said, scooting closer to me on the couch. "Mamrie, I like you too. Just like you said; long-term feelings, no clue how you'd take it." She was inching her hand up my thigh, stopping only after emphasizing her last words. "I wanted to take you out on a date before we did this,but we're both so drunk right now that neither of us will remember it in the morning, so why not do it now." "You sure do know how to seduce a girl, Helbig."

I leaned over and gently ran my fingers through her hair, letting my hand caress her cheek and neck, eliciting a moan from the younger. I press my lips against hers, hard. I don't know if it's the alcohol or if I'm just that horny,but I'm already soaked. "Babe, do you want to take this to the bedroom?" Grace didn't say anything, she just nodded. We both got up and made our way to the bedroom, leaving a trail of clothes behind us.

I pushed the blonde down onto my queen sized bed and slowly crawled on top of her, bracing myself with my forearms. "I love you, Mames." It took me a few moments to realize that I did, but I loved her too. "I love you too, Gracie."

I pull her up so she could reach my lips and kiss her passionately. I run my fingers down to the waistband of her Katy Perry costume and tugged it down. I realized that we stukk had our wigs on and I immediately took the ridiculous fucking things off. Within seconds, we were both completely naked and I was placing kisses and nibbling down Grace's body. I got to her belly button and noticed that she wasn't responding to anything... she's out cold, snoring. "Good going, Mamrie! First time you've put one to sleep before." I went to lay beside her in bed and pulled the covers up. Grace's head nabbed over and she nestled herself into the crook of my neck, we cuddled up, and I drifted off to sleep.

*End Flashback*

"Mames, what was that about and why the FUCK are we naked?"

I proceeded to tell Grace the entire story and she couldn't believe it.

"I've wanted to tell you that I liked you for almost a year now and I can't believe I told you drunk and can't remember a thing."

"I have an idea... Why don't you tell me again and maybe we could continue what we didn't finish last night."

She paused for a moment, then moved in and kissed me.

"I love you, Mames."

"I love you, too, Smellbig."

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