Ch@pter 2

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“Come on Mary You can do it, PUSH MARY PUSH” John was screaming encouragements to mary as she brought the twins into the world.

Sam and Stiles Winchester where born in a thunderstorm, under a flash of lighting, it was as if the universe was welcoming them into the world. Four-year-old Dean had been born under similar circumstances. The Winchesters were a normal family, White picket fence and all. Looking at them you would never know that their sons were destined from the beginning of time to change the world.


“John? Are you up?” Mary Winchester questioned sleepily into the dark night after finding their bed empty. She peered into the nursery and saw a dark figure standing there with the twins in arms.

“Feed them if they're hungry dear.”

Mary padded her way down stairs and saw a sleeping John on the couch. All thoughts of sleep lost Mary tore up the stairs and ran into the Twins Room.



Sam Winchester was having a good time at Stanford, With no monster, or annoying brothers on his tail. So when a creaking noise resonated from downstairs, Sam was having none of it. They were on him in a flash.

“You've gotten slow Little Brother.”

Sam Quickly flipped the assailant onto his back and said “Or not”

A Laugh came from the shadowed corner, “Hey Sammy, how ya been?”

Stiles Winchester stepped out of a corner and Smirked is the Winchester signature troublemaker smirk.

“Sam, Babe what's going on.”

“We needed to come see our little brother didn't we dean-o” Stiles said smirking.

“We’re TWINS!” Sam yelled exasperatedly.

“We actually are here about dad. He hasn't been around for a few days.” Dean said.

“Dad always Disappears for days what's to worry.?”  

“Let me reiterate for our big brother.” Stiles said. “Dads on a hunting trip and hasn't been home in a few days.”  “Jess go to bed I'll be there soon

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