Chapter 1

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    I am going to try and post daily if I can, but I may not be able to. Please excuse any mistakes or grammar issues. This is just for fun this isn't anything serious.


    I knew something was up as soon as I walked into school. Everyone could feel it. The teachers were huddled together in the gym as I walked by it. Everyone was heading to their first period. I had walked into first period and saw my friend Lydia. I ran straight to her.   " What's going on?" I asked concerned. She shrugged her shoulders. The bell rang and we sat down in our assigned seats. I noticed my crush, Justin Normad, wasn't in his seat, in fact he wasn't here at all. 

    I instantly became sad realizing his absence from the classroom. Man, he was hot. Blue eyes, brown hair, thick full lips, and a perfect smile. He is one of the funniest kids you will ever meet. He was very popular and I was too, but we never really talked. I liked him a lot. No other girls had feelings for him that I knew of. 

    The teacher had quieted the class before the announcements came on. She began by telling us to clear our minds because she had something really important to tell us. I was thinking it might be a field trip. " Class, I truly hate to inform you this" she said and my stomach when into my throat " but, Justin is in Heaven now." She finished. The whole class gasped. I was speechless.

    "He was killed in a ATV accident yesterday." She informed us. A tear rolled down my face. I realized  no one else was crying. Lydia knew how much I liked him and looked at me with horror spread across her face. I began bawling and ran out of the room Lydia following me. I ran what felt like forever. I finally slowed down and sat down at the lockers and let my head fall onto my curled up knees. 

    Lydia caught up to me. I had thought so much about him the night before. I even dreamed about him and his perfect smile. Lydia came and hugged me while I cried on her shoulder. The announcements then came on. I wasn't ready for this. Not at all.

    I began sobbing as they announced what had happened over the intercom. I felt so sick.  Bile rose in my throat. The teacher came and checked on me. She sent me back to class after I stopped crying. The whole class stared at me as she came back in with Lydia. They looked guilty as if they had did something wrong. 

    I began to slowly cry. I sat down and got on my phone. The teacher was allowing me to use my anxiety app to calm me down. I needed some fresh air, but this was the best I could get right now. I looked up to see a boy, Jake, who liked me walk over. He hugged me and wouldn't let go. I began to sob again. 


Thanks for reading this far, hope you will continue! 

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