Little talk

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The first time I listened to your laugh I immediately had that one goal for life which is to always make you laugh.

I want to see you laughing all the time, all the way because you look so lovely and happy I feel so blessed.

I want to always be the one who will be the reason of why you are laughing and the reason behind all those laughter.

The first time you cried in front of me, I promised that I also want to be there whenever you shed your tears and listen to all your complains and hardships.

Although, it hurts me to see you cry but I want to be that shoulder for you to rely on. I want to be that one person who will always comfort you and tell you everything will be okay.

In short, I want to always be there with you every moment in time. I want to create all new and meaningful memories with you every day of my life.

How do I tell you that? How am I going to ask you to be mine?

Maybe that was reason why I was here in this little cosy café surrounded by these four friends of yours earning weird looks and glances from the other customers but that's beside the point.

"She loves it when you make her laugh." Your best friend and housemate, Wendy, told me and I knew I was doing the right thing sitting here with them.

"Actually, it's because of your compatible sense of humor, or the lack of it, that she connects with you so much." Another best friend of yours, Irene, said with a little chuckle.

"No, no. Unnie loves oppa because she is simply herself whenever she is around oppa. Oppa makes unnie comfortable, that's why." Yeri, your younger cousin, voiced out her opinion.

"What's the matter anyway guys. We know oppa is the only one who manage to capture unnie's heart. That's the most important." Joy, my cousin and also a good friend of yours, finally chirped in and put a stop to the little argument.

Truthfully, whatever they were saying made my heart fluttered. I never knew you mentioned about me that much when you were with them. Even not having you around I could never get away from your presence.

"Wanna know a secret, oppa?" Joy asked and even before she got a reply she continued. "Unnie loves you so much alright but she wasn't sure at first. So I told her that if you are comfortable with him that you have no problem to just laugh out loud and he makes you feel all butterfly inside but you still feel safe to be yourself without putting an act then you love him. So do you still need any more reason as to why unnie loves you?"

"Wow, Joy unnie! That was amazing. I didn't know you had that talk with her." Yeri, amused and impressed all at once, said as her mouth opened in surprise.

Wendy and Irene nodded their heads as well. While Joy raised her shoulders and gave them proud smirk.

"If it makes you feel better, don't worry we will support you. So just do it, cousin. I can't wait to report to aunty and uncle and everyone else." Joy teased him and laughed.

"Yes, just do it and ask her the question already. Which we all know she will say yes to." Irene confidently uttered and smiled.

"If you are still not sure, let me ask you this. How many times has she ever cried in front of you? Because she will never do that unless it's her family or us. She only do that if she thinks you are special to her." Irene added. "If she ever did that with you just so you know you are the only guy apart from her father and her brother."

"Speaking of that, we only talked about why she loves you. How much she loves you. And I think that's not fair. How about you? Why do you love her, Mr Park Jimin?" Wendy suddenly got into her interrogation mode and soon after the girls joined her and eyed me.

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