twenty eight ; you better run bitch

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T W E N T Y E I G H T ; Y O U B E T T E R R U N B I T C H

"you were never strong, even in those moments when I thought you were, you are not, have not will never be strong, you let the victim card define you, and while you survived many thingsthats all you did, you never over came, you were never the gold you sang you were at most you were a gold covered chocolate coin, gross on the inside"

"you were never strong, even in those moments when I thought you were, you are not, have not will never be strong, you let the victim card define you, and while you survived many thingsthats all you did, you never over came, you were never the gol...

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"Are you fucking kidding me?" Scarlett hissed, looking down at her cell phone that just received a text message from an equally angry Paul. Scarlett had been spending the day with Leah, the two girls weren't really doing anything per say, just doing their own thing just with the company of the other next to them. They had held some meaningful conversations before they fell into silence, Scarlett doing some homework while Leah was watching the latest tv show.

It was odd how easily the two fell into step with one another, that even though they had just recently started hanging out, they could just remain in complete silence but enjoy it. It was nice to have someone next to you, even if you were both caught up on your own things. It was something they had found themselves doing quite often, despite only meeting a few days ago. Only the other night Scarlett Skyped Leah, who was only just down the road, while she was writing an essay. A few words were shared between the two girls, but the conversation wasn't what they needed necessarily, they just needed each other to be there.

Scarlett felt like she fell into a cliche romance novel that wanna be hipsters read at Starbucks. Leah was love at first sight for her, though not in a romantic way at all. While the Clearwater girl was undoubtedly gorgeous, Scarlett wasn't sexually attracted to her and hadn't been with anyone else besides Paul after they met. Scarlett knew it was because she was vulnerable when they met up at the bonfire, she and Bella had their falling out and she was missing a large chunk in her life, a best-girl-friend.

Paul was great, don't get her wrong, she knew she could go to her imprint for anything and everything and he would be right there to back her up 100%. But that was kind of the problem, while a best friend would do the same, she would also tell her when she was in the wrong or being ridiculous, Paul would never do that in fear of hurting his mate.

She couldn't go to Jake because all he could muster up towards his ex- werwolf mentor was a glare after Scarlett let the fight between Bella slip between the mental connection on a patrol with him one night. He couldn't believe that she would treat Bella like that, that she had been going through a hard time and Scarlett should have been more patient and understanding.

She couldn't go to Embry either, since Sam had been running him on patrols till he nearly dropped on the ground from exhaustion. A fact that Scarlett had been meaning to bring up with Sam since Embrys mother didn't know about the pack and was starting to worry that her son was getting caught up with drug abuse.

She couldn't go to her mother, and while in any other circumstances she could. She just chose not to since she had been seeing her mother and Billy getting closer and closer with one another and didn't want to worry her mother away from the budding relationship. She knew if she told her mom anything, she would just turn into a constant worry wart, concerned all day and night and wouldn't even bother getting back to Billy.

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