Niall and Hannah are now married and hannah wants 4 kids, but Niall only wants 2.
Niall. We only need two kids hannah
Hannah . No I have all ways wanted more kids
Niall. Ok hannah
Hannah. Yes thank you Niall you are the best
Niall and Hannah make love had 3 days later............
Hannah. Niall Niall I am pregnant
Niall. Baby yes yes we are parents
Hannah. Baby we are parents baby I love you
Niall.lets get a ultra sound and see what gender and how many
They hospital was cool. Niall and Hannah were very happy and excited too figure out how many and what genders they were . They got into the hospital room and hannah laid down they do the ultra sound. Niall and Hannah figured out they were having triplets a boy and two girls . They would name them Emma Horan , finely Horan , and Harry Horan.