31 Day Challenge - Me Edition! (obviously)

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 So there's a long story behind how I discovered this but I'm not gonna get into that. Um so thinwhitelines apparently originated this so dedication. Yeah. Here's how it goes.

Day 1-Five ways to win my heart

Day 2-Something I feel strongly about

Day 3-A book I love (wattpad or published)

Day 4-My favorite movie

Day 5-My favorite TV show

Day 6-If I were to have a baby, what name would I pick out and why

Day 7-Five pet peeves

Day 8-Something about myself nobody knows

Day 9-The thing in my life I am most proud of

Day 10-Put my iPod on shuffle and write down the first 10 songs

Day 11-My five male celebrity crushes

Day 12-My five female celebrity crushes

Day 13-A quote I try to live by

Day 14-My favorite color and why

Day 15-If my life was a movie, what would it be called

Day 16-My zodiac sign and if I think it fits my personality

Day 17-Five things I like about me

Day 18-Five things I dislike about me

Day 19-My favorite male character and why (TV, movie, book)

Day 20-My favorite female character and why (TV, movie, book)

Day 21-Someone I wish was still in my life

Day 22-Someone I wish wasn't in my life

Day 23-Five strange things about me

Day 24-My dream job

Day 25-What I think about society

Day 26-Something funny I laugh at

Day 27-An odd quirk about me

Day 28-My favorite outfit and why

Day 29-My favorite number and why

Day 30-A bad habit I hope to quit

Day 31-Write a short paragraph about me

So no guarantee I'm gonna keep up with this (I mean I'm two days late for crying out loud). 

31 Day Challenge - Me Edition! (obviously)Where stories live. Discover now