Chapter 43: Sorting Things Out

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Jinki's P.O.V.

He silently gnashes his teeth when he remembers what happened. He found out that Ha Eun was the one spreading the news about their date since she followed them. Now, he is fuming mad because he reads reports that Eun Jae steals him from her and that Tae Woo is still in doubt if he is his son!

"What's wrong with that face?"

Jinki gets startle when he hears Eun Jae's voice. He immediately places his phone inside his jeans.

"Nothing jagiya."

"Aigoo... I forgot to get my phone from you. Can I have it?"



"It will not do good on you." He reasons out. He's been holding her phone since two days ago. It's been two days that they opt to remain silent.

"Aishhh... No tv and no phone, what is next jagiya?" He sees her pouting.

"I'm sorry for that, but I really think it is not good for you."

"Because of the news about us?"

He only nods. He really planned to reveal and answers everything at the right time, but Ha Eun ruined everything. She really needs to be putted in a mental hospital for her behavior. Jinki and the rest of the SHINee members with their manager already talked about the situation. Jinki is grateful enough that his colleagues and manager are very supportive, plus the management is doing things to properly handle the situation too.

"Please?" Eun Jae uses her aegyo. Jinki forces himself not to be deceived by it.

"Nope." He chuckles when Eun Jae shows him a sulking face. "Jagiya, I'll be going to the interview now, you stay here okay? You and baby Tae Woo. Anyway, the four are here to help and accompany you." He pecks on her lips before walking away. "I love you."

"Be safe. 'Lab you." He hears her saying it with still that sad voice and sulking face.

"Aigoo..." Jinki can't help, but to laugh when Eun Jae walks towards their room while carrying Tae Woo.


Eun Jae's P.O.V.

I feel a bit frustrated because Jinki is not letting me know what is going on. He only keeps on saying that everything is fine and that I should not worry. I know he is worried for us, but I don't like it when he keeps the problem to himself.

"Whose phone is this?" I raise the phone placed on the table.

"Mine!" Jonghyun said. The four are engrossed in watching movies since Tae Woo is sleeping.

"Oppa, can I borrow this for a while? Please?"

"Kurae. How about your phone by the way?"

"Jinki took it."

"Jinjja? What is hyung planning to do with it?"

"Meolla." I lie. Good thing Jinki forgot to restrain the four from letting me borrow their phones.

I quickly log in to my account in twitter and search for news about Jinki. I found out that Ha Eun also had her own interview. My eyes widen when I read her statements.

"It's not true!" My blood boils suddenly.

"What is not true?" Minho asks when he notices me.

"Ah... Nothing." I hide the phone.

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