The Changers Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

All three of us were galloping side by side now, Peter and I in the middle. I held on to Peter even tighter while I struggled to gasp for air. I was shaking; not because I was cold, but because every instinct told me to get as far away from these attackers as possible. The only thing we could do was try and urge or horses forward even faster. And that's when I first heard it. Hoof beats behind us.

We were covering a lot of ground per second, but not enough to keep us ahead for long. The edges of my vision was blurred because we were moving so fast. But even I could make out the shapes in the distance ahead of us. The shapes of humanly figures and horse figures. The attackers then came at us from every side, every angle, and they were closing in on us. There was nowhere we could go or hide. Then suddenly, they were upon us.

A tall, muscular man that some people may refer to as scary approached us holding a gun. "Dismount. Dismount or else it's game over for all of you." Mason and Ethan were the first off their horses and assumed position in front of Peter and I while we tried getting down.

"I'm sure there must have been a mistake, you must have the wrong people! I mean, we are only harmless teenagers..." Mason decided to claim, and he kept rambling on about how we weren't who they thought we were.

"Quiet! How would you know that we were looking for anyone in particular? That only makes me more sure that you are the ones we had been searching for! You fool," The man growled, just before swinging back and hitting Mason in the jaw with the butt of his gun. Mason fell to the ground, blood dripping from his face. That got me off my horse rather fast. No one messes with my brothers. I was down on my knees in the dirt next to Mason, whispering come back to me, come back to me. Peter stepped in front of Mason and I, so he was standing next to Ethan. The man was trying to look powerful while I helped Mason back to his feet. He claimed he was all right, but it seemed as though the air was still knocked out of him.

"You know who we are here for, handing her over is just the best way for you to do this." The man said, looking at Ethan. I glanced at Ethan, too. What was this man talking about? I saw a flicker of worry flash across Ethan's face. He knew something I didn't.

"If you want me, then here," I said stepping forward between Peter and Ethan. But they both grabbed my arms and pulled me back. "Like he said, it would probably just be easier this way." I continued.

Ethan and Peter both sternly told me no. I saw the man snicker at me, before saying," they really never told you? Never told you that you're special? You have gifts many other people don't have, Rose. Now, look, their way of 'protecting' you is only going to get all of you hurt."

I immediately looked to Ethan and said, "what is he talking about? Is it true? How does he know my name?" I truthfully did not know who to believe.

"This is the man who kidnapped you ten years before. He is trying to trick you, Rose. Please, Rose, listen to me, we have been doing our best to protect you."

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