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  • Dedicated to badgerclaw29

I am putting this here simply because it has become quite an issue lately. Please DO NOT use my original characters/clans/concepts in any of your Warriors fics. (This does not include warriors cats with the same names. I understand coincidences if we happened to pick the same names for our characters.) I work hard on my novels, and it is upsetting to witness a circumstance where the author feels they need to "borrow" ideas/characters from me because they're not creative enough. Simply stated, the Warriors world is big and complex enough for an author to be able to create his or her own characters/clans/plot. Thank you for your understanding.


Please REFRAIN from continually correcting typos and grammatical errors. I am a grammar nazi myself, and I understand some of you are too, but I have several published works and do not have time to correct EVERY error. Unless the error severely limits your understanding of the story, I will not be taking immediate action to fix these typos. Please REFRAIN from telling me "cats can't cry" and "cats can't blush" etc. These novels are a work of FICTION. I know cats can't cry and perform human-like characteristics; however, this is a work of fiction and is written in a way to convey emotion. I am sick and tired of getting comments like these because they detract from my work and make it seem like you care more about correcting typos/ (sorry) being a pompous know-it-all than reading and enjoying a work. Don't be surprised if I get sassy/sarcastic with you in the comments. I ask you refrain from making such comments on my work.


Rosefur looked down and smiled at her three newborn kits. Her gray and white pelt had definitely shown up in the kits, as well as her mate, Olivetail.

Olivetail stood beside Rosefur, purring at the newborn kits.

"What will we call them?" he asked his mate.

Rosefur thought for a moment. "Well," she began, looking down at the three kits. There was a white she-cat, a white tom, and a gray tabby she-cat. She pondered for a moment.

"We can call the white she-cat Petalkit. Oh, and the white tom can be Cloudkit!" she announced. "You name the last."

Olivetail glanced at the gray tabby she-cat. She slept soundly unlike her siblings who mewed loudly and squirmed around. She was the runt of the litter, but still, beautiful. "Skykit," he announced.

Rosefur purred. "Oh, I love that name!"

Skykit reminded Rosefur of her sister, Jetpelt. Rosefur let out a sigh. Her sister had joined StarClan not too long ago after coming down with greencough. Her only kit, Blackkit, had run off when Jetpelt's mate was too depressed to take care of him.

Rosefur hated thinking about her past. Everytime she thought of her past, she was reminded of her father and how he jumped over that cliff. She thought of her mother abandoning Rosefur and her siblings when they were only seven moons. Rosefur expected her mother had died by now since all her family did.

As Olivetail stared longer at the kits, his smile turned into a frown.

"What's wrong?" Rosefur asked nervously. Was he not happy with his children?

Olivetail let out a sigh. "Not too long ago, a large group of cats threatened war on ForestClan. I was leading my patrol when it happened. Birchstar agreed war, and I-well, they looked tough. Rosefur, I don't want our kits endangered."

"What do you mean?" Rosefur asked, anger bubbling up inside her.

Olivetail looked down at his white and gray paws. "ForestClan is't safe anymore! Please, take the kits away from here! Raise them in another clan! So many deaths of cats this moon worries me. I don't want one of our kits dying, or you."

"I'll be fine!" Rosefur hissed. "I'm not helpless!"

She looked down at the kits sleeping beside her.

But you are, she thought.

"Please, Rosefur," Olivetail pleaded. "For the kits. You can come back in three moons," he told her. "Nothing will change."

Rosefur growled. She knew everything would change, but the way Olivetail was pleading made her realize how serious the situation was.

"Fine," she growled. "And will you be coming?"

Olivetail shook his head. "No, the journey is for you to make. But meet me back here in three moons unless I find you."

Rosefur nodded, knowing exactly what she would do in those three moons. Rosefur would find her mother.

Mosskit Book 1: SkycloudWhere stories live. Discover now