Chapter 1

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Alex had always dreamed of being a Medieval Times Knight, ever since he first went to the restaurant. Every birthday, from his fourth to his fifteenth, Alex had gone to Medieval Times. And every time he went, he tried his hardest to be seated in the Red Knight's section. This effort sometimes included begging, budging, and bribing. It was a necessary evil.

In his mind, there was no knight more noble than the Red Knight Villia. Villia was his hero.

Alex had pictures with him from every time he had visited, and every time the knight beamed at him, whether he had won or lost that day. Villia was a noble knight. But, he didn't stay forever.

Being a knight was difficult, no one could be one forever. Soon after his fourteenth birthday, the Red Knight Villia retired, and was replaced with the Red Knight Sandza. Sandza didn't deserve the title of Red Knight.

On his fifteenth birthday, Alex went to see Sandza, hoping that the new man could live up to his hero. He could not. Sandza was cruel-faced, and made jeers at the losing team. He was a sore loser, and an even sorer winner. After the show, and during pictures, Sandza had broadcasted that he preferred to take pictures with the ladies of the crowd, and held Alex at an arms length when he went up to get a picture.

After that day, Alex didn't go back. His hero was ruined for him by his replacement. He vowed to right the wrong that had befallen the Red Knights name.

Alex would become the Red Knight, and he would be as noble as Villia was.

It took years just to convince his parents to let him, and then months of training at the Texas Medieval Times away from the Georgia one he had grown up with. It was equal parts grueling and rewarding. Though the Texas Medieval times was similar, it was not the place that Alex had dreamed of being in. It took him months to get back to his home, and back to the Medieval Times that he loved and remembered.

As fate would have it, Sandza retired around the same time Alex requested a transfer, and because his training was complete, he was accepted as a knight. and not just any knight, the Red Knight.

Six years after his promise, Alex achieved what he had spent years dreaming about. The Red Knight Azenzel was born, and he was going to be just as noble as Villia. He would be everything Sandza was not.

After getting the e-mail of acceptance that he spent an hour jumping for joy after reading, Alex was summoned down to the Medieval Time's.

The manager, Ted Franz, knew him from when he used to visit. It also helped that his parent's went golfing with him. Ted pointed him on the right track. He showed him how to succeed in the squire program, and gave him some tips to brush up on his acting.

And Ted was the one who hired him. It might have given him an unfair advantage, but Alex would start being noble after he had the knights costume on. No need to start yet.

When Alex got inside, Ted was no where in sight. There were a few people bustling about, getting ready for the performance that evening.

"Um, excuse me." Alex tried to catch the attention of a worker who was rushing past him, boxes of wooden swords inside.

She halted in her spot and spun to face him. "You Alex?" She asked, thin lips set into a knowing smirk. She looked brutally amused, with an eyebrow that always remain raised.

"Um, yes." Alex said. It was a good thing that she knew who he was, right? Or maybe it was a bad thing, maybe there was some kind of initiation process like there was for college fraternities. That happened to him at the other Medieval Times, but it was after a few weeks. It was not condoned by their boss there, but it was done nonetheless. He had asked Ted is there was anything like that at this one, and he said no. But, workers were crafty, and they could keep secrets.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2017 ⏰

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