Hola Amigos!

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Hii to all of you. I write this book after myself becoming a victim of ignorance and depression. But after all that's what life teaches you about, knowing what's right and good for you and leaving everything else behind as we move on.

I rose above all of this ill treatment showered upon me and vowed to make myself a better human being. There were days at stretch when I would cry myself to sleep, hoping no one would hear my muffled sobs and cries. Praying each night for the coming day to be better and the suffering to diminish, I was hoping against hope.

There was no one with me, no friends, no family, no siblings, nothing. Just a blank world around with me, not knowing whom to trust and no to. I would be bashed for no mistake of mine and despite of me apologizing, the ignorance would continue, that's when i learnt that if I don't help myself then i would be rotting just like this every day. That was a new beginning for me and now here am i to make new friends and just be there for you guys and not let anyone go through what i did.

I will be trying my level best to connect with all of you but that will happen only if you all be appreciative of what i'm trying to do here because depression and suicidal instincts are increasing at an alarming rate and me being a part of it, I don't want anyone else to experience it.

No haters please, because what i'm doing over here requires strength and the love for others. If you can't be supportive enough at least don't be a let down to others.

will be back very soon :)

a friend who will always be there to listen to you and guide you through it. You can always message me anytime you want and I'll try my level best to help you out without judging :))

till then lots of love, and strength❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2018 ⏰

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