part 1

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Piper pov

I stood in front of my bathroom mirror examining my appearance, frowning in disapproval. I slowly start to study the features on my face. I've never liked the way I look. I know Im just not as pretty, like the other girls. I definitely never thought my eyes had that perfect shine like the other girls seem to have. My eyes are a deal blue color.  I used to use every birthday wish i had to be as pretty as the other girls.
Today was even worse. I never new I had so much self hate for myself until I was staring at my own reflection glaring horribly at my bumpy oily skin. I grabbed my makeup bag praying that I could at least make myself a little bit presentable. As I watch my self fix up the blemishes on my face my mind started to wonder how at the age of 16 did I become intent with my own self destruction. I take a deep breath inhaling and exhaling trying to calm myself down I wish summer never ended so I wouldn't have to prepare myself for school. Without realising it my mind had wondered back to the summer that just passed. Summer had Been amazing for me. Me and my best-friend polly had spent the entire summer at the beach, soaking up the Suns rays meeting cute boys, just making good memory's. Polly lucky enough though met an sexy Australian surfer named Pete they hit it off right away, she was lucky he was very good to her. let's just say after that i just tagged along third wheeling them for the rest of summer. I actully didn't mind it to much because I remembered i had a amazing boyfriend waiting for me back home.
I smile realising that i gets to see my boyfriend Larry today, it'd been weeks since i have seen i had layed eyes on him i miss him terribly.
I was so caught up in my own thoughts i didn't here the bathroom door open. All of a Sudden I feel a hand on my shoulder, I spin around to see my younger brother Cal smiling cheekily at me
"Sorry to interrupt the one person party piper but I've been dying to piss for the past 10 minutes"
I smile sweety trying not laugh at my brother inpatients, I shake my head at him walking slowly out of the rather excessively large bathroom making my way down the wooden stairs to the kitchen. When im about half way down the stairs, My Jens pocket starts to viberate. As I slide my phone across i smile at the picture I have set as my background. Its me and polly laying on our stomachs half naked on a sandy white beach. I open my notifications seeing mine and Larrys photo we took together pop up with his messages. Just as I was about to reply my phone light up with pollys face .

"hello there beautiful"
I slightly laugh.

Polly: dont hate me.. but I can't drop you at school today.

Polly dosent go to school anymore because she two years older then me. we started a soup business together the beginning of this year since I'm still in highschool she's technically running it but I help out when I can.

"It's okay polly thanks for letting me know I'll see you later"

Polly: I'm sorry piper

As I hang up the phone I started to wonder why polly felt so bad. I personally think it's because she's with Pete, that boy followed her all this way. I place my phone back into my pocket once again searching though the fridge looking for something to eat.
After rummaging for a little bit I come to the conclusion I wasn't hungry, actully the truth is I'm never hungry anymore. I deside it would be better to just start my slowly painful walk to school.
I grade my pink backpack heading for the front door. I only open the door slightly before a gust of icy cold air wraps around my body making me shiver.
"I fucking hate you polly"
I whisper to myself. I lean my head against the doorframe letting the cold pierce my skin for what feels like forever before i huff in defeat. Realising I still have to get to school no matter what the weathers like. I sleng my pink bag over my right shoulder, Stepping out into the cold, shuting the door hard behind me. As soon as i stepped into the street I was saturated and frozen from the wind and rain that pouring on me.
As i walked down the street a few cars drove past some slowed down giving me a sympathetic look, I just shrugged them of and continue to walk. I figured I was only about 10 minutes away from school when a motorcycle came to a grinding stop next to me. I gave a quick look at the direction of the biker to see if i new who it was but i didn't recognize anything about the bike or the person.
"Hey! You going to Litchfield"
The stranger voiced was muffled because of the helmet they were wearing plus the sound of the rain made it twice as hard to hear them but I still manged to make out the words being spoken. I reply to the best of my ability
"Um yeah I am"
I had to stutter out the sentence because im shivering I didn't even realise how cold it actully is until i stopped walking.
"Jump on I'm heading there now"
The stranger offered there hand for me to take.
I procrastinate on my reply waying out my options. My body answered for me when I started to shiver uncomfortably I swear I was getting hyperthermia. I extended my hand and graded the hand of the stranger. The stranger pulled me onto the bike.
"Thank you, I'm piper by the way"
The biker turned there head.
"Don't mention it oh and I'm Alex"
My eyes widened in shock and  recognition. I can here the stranger probably now. The beauty of the voice took me by surprise it was deep and raspy and feminine. I was so captivated but the sound of the woman's voice I started to loss track of time. Within minutes we had parked in the school parking lot.
"Hey piper do you mind releasing me"
Alex asked as she slowly took her
helmet of letting her long back hair fall out of it. I sat still my eyes glued to her. After a good few seconds I snap back into reality.
"Oh I um yes I'm sorry "
I blush hard releasing Alexs waste I instantly miss the warmth her body was providing. I had been holding on to her since I sat on her bike I didn't realise how warm she had made me. I slowly climb of her bike.
Once I was completely of, I thanked Alex once again for the ride. She just raised her eyebrows at me shrugging here shoulders
"anytime kid I couldn't let a beautiful girl like you walk in this weather"
With that said She turned and walked away leaving me and speechless and cold. As I stood in the rain going over the events that just happened the bell rang telling me first class had started. As i my way to my first class I was Still contemplating why Alex was still racing though my mind.

First chapter if you like it and wanna read more vote and stuff

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