Chapter 1 | Still Just Friends?

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NB! My phone glitched and added some random words in this chapter so if u notice anything wrong that I haven't fixed yet then please do let me know in the comments. <3

Word count: 1024

Warnings about : there will be some angst and sad parts SPOILER, quz you and Draco are gonna fight a bit and the reader might get a scar but at the end everything will work out and be all good and fluffy so no worries lol.

This probably happens in like chapter 3 or 4.

You were an average slytherin student. Known mostly for your outgoing and playful personality. You enjoy spending time with your friends and living your life without any regrets. One of your closest friends, you could even say best friend is the Draco Malfoy himself. You've known eatch other ever since first year and become friends instantly. Making a pretty powerful duo, no one at school dared to piss you guys off. You didn't exactly hate everyone around you and even got along with Potter and his friends pretty well compared to Draco but luckily he didn't mind, as long as you stayed on his side when it came to fights. Over the years you started to develop feelings for the blondy but never said anything, since you were more than sure that he likes girls. That didn't stop you from flirting though, since you were already known for clinging onto everyone and made a lot of dirty jokes he never rly questioned you, probably seeing it as another one of your teasing jokes or just fooling around for no reason. You thought that would be enough to get your daily dose of Draco but deep inside you still hoped that he would one day like you back.

|Reader's POV|

I let out a long yawn as I stretch my arms and legs that have been sitting in one position for way too long. Jumping up from my chair I make my way out of my room and towards the common room. It's been a long day and you just finished working on your studies so taking a brake and chatting with some of your friends would really help.
As I enter the common room I can already see my blonde haired friend sitting down next to the fireplace, reading a book. Smirking I sneak closer before slamming my hands on his shoulders and shaking them a little. Draco immediately let's out a weird sound, obviously startled by your childish behavior.
"EEK! Jesus y/n, you nearly gave me a bloody heart attack. Will you ever stop doing that?"
You laugh, before sitting next to him.
"Haha, you already know the answer to that. No, probably never. It's cute to see you get scared."
Draco furrows his eyebrows and turns back to his book, keeping his unamused look.
"I'm not cute, stop with your nonsense. And as you can see I'm trying to read so don't bother me any longer!"
I pout and make a sad face.
"You're so cold~ I just wanted to spend some time with my buddy. Come on let's do something fun!"
Draco rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed.
"You're never gonna shut up are you, fine we might as well. What do you suggest?"
You take a moment to think before grinning.
"I know! How about we mess with Potter a little? It's been long and I know you would love that."
He chuckles and finally cracks a smile.
"Oh you know me so well don't you, haha. I guess that's not a bad idea."

With that, you two start looking for the four eyes and his friends. Soon enough finding them chatting in a random hallway. You hide yourself behind a pillar, Draco doing the same on the other side of you.
"Hey Draco, watch this."
You hold back a giggle as you flick your wand towards Ron. A scream is soon heard as the ginger kid finds multiple spiders crawling on him. Poor guy, spiders are truly disturbing.
He grins and let's out a chuckle while pointing his own wand at Potter.
"I have something alot better in mind,watch out y/n."
He creates a pretty big pile of slime that falls directly on Harry, staining his clothes and probably getting stuck in his hair as well. I almost laugh out loud at the hilarious sight.
"Oh god that's so gross Haha."
You must have been too loud because Hermione turns her head towards the hallway you and Draco are hiding at and shouts.
"That's absolutely horrible! Who ever did that come out and apologize."
Damn she can be pretty scary sometimes. Hermione starts walking towards your hiding place. Oh crap. You quickly grab Draco and pull him into a small room behind the corner. It's almost pitch black in there, only a small crack in the door giving you guys light. You feel mops pressed against your back as you try to stay as quiet as possible. They must keep some of the cleaning supplies here. You can hear Hermione walk past the door. Holding your breath you pray she wouldn't open the door. Few minutes pass before the Gryffindor trio leaves. Only now did you realize how close you and Draco were. Since the closet is simply meant for cleaning supplies, it's extremely small, causing your chests to be pushed together and brining your faces close to eatch other. You immediately blush, feeling his warm breath on your lips, thank god it's so dark in here that he can't see it. Draco seems to have noticed as well since his breath quickens and he looks a bit uncomfortable.
"I think, we should go out now."
You nod, afraid that your voice might crack if you say anything in that position. He peeks out before existing and you follow behind. Still red from the face you try to quickly head back to your dorms.
"Come on now, let's hurry back."
He follows you without saying anything.
No matter how many times you hug him or tease him by playing with his hair, your heart still beats like a thousand drums whenever you're close to him. And that might have been the closes you've ever been.

In next chapter you will be seeing some cute sleepy Malfoy bby ^u^

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