Acknowledgments and End Thoughts

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Wow. It's over. Well, for now at least. But let's focus on the present. I am very thankful to have completed this journey. I think it foolish to go back, say how I was changed by these poems. How I became a new person from them. Because in the end, I didn't really change from my poetry, I changed others. And they changed me. So, this is an ending of thanks.

Thank you to ______happypumpkins  for jumpstarting my book, signal boosting it, and allowing my works to be read. You are the reason I started this book, and the reason why it's gotten to where it is.

Thank you to ManonfireWY for being here for my journey, even if you didn't start it with me, you've ended it with me.

Thank you to simplysear and Bounty00  for voting on all of the poems I have published, you have been faithful and kind for the entirety of this adventure.

I'm positive there are many others who have helped with the success of my works, but I'd like to keep this somewhat short. I appreciate every single person who has decided and will decide to pick this book out of the millions they could choose from. So, to all current and future readers, I thank you. Here's to living life and reading beautiful poetry.

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