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This story is my response to Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi.  I read the first book in that trilogy and didn't like it, but thought it was a great concept so this is my version.  I read Mafi's book like, two years ago and I don't remember much about it, so the events and characters in this book are my own and the plot is going in a completely different direction.  You'll see that there's really only one or two things that are similar between my book and hers but I felt I should give her credit anyway mainly because I know someone would point it out.

All my books have a Attrib, non-comm, no-derivs copywrite.   That just means you can't copy anything in the book or claim it's yours, because I will murder you.

This book is one that has been in my mind for a while but I have been busy with other things, and I'm still busy with other things.  (Hers and Human, check them out.)  So let me go ahead and apologize in advance for slow updates.  If you see it's been like, a month and I haven't updated don't hesitate to be all, "Yo Margaret, you need to update.  You're slacking."  This book is planned out so if I'm not updating, it's because I'm being lazy or nobody is reading.

That being said, I really do appreciate every read, vote, comment, and follow.  I'm not an ass.  If you comment, I'll comment back.  If you add the story to your library, I'll thank you.  If you follow, I'll thank you (I won't follow back just because, I believe the follow is reserved for writers that I enjoy.  If I just so happen to see something I like when I'm on your profile to thank you for following me, I'll add it to my library, vote, comment, etc.)

Phew, this is getting long.

If you see a mistake, feel free to point it out NICELY!!!!!  Don't be a douchebag.  You would not go up to a mother and be all, "Oh well, your baby would be cute if he didn't have such big ears and his hair wasn't so stupid looking."  That would be a douchey thing to do.  I'm not saying lie and tell the mom that her baby is going to be a Gerber baby just be gentle with your critiques.

If you read all that then you are fantastic!  I hope you enjoy.  If you didn't then :P and enjoy anyway.  :)

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