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Many of us think life is just some happy go lucky game that we chose how to play. We also tend to think things like we can be blessed. As some of us think things like this, there are those who sit alone in the shadows of their peers just wondering if one day they will get their chance to become somebody. The purest and greatest people are demoralized by feeling as though they will never become anyone due to the cruelty of our awful world. When we see people like this, we will often say to ourselves things like they're weird, or they're a sad sack. Is that right? Is this what we believe people are? We treat each other like pathetic shells of a human being. Little do we all know that we are the cause of another feeling like they're a shell. We are the cause of making someone feel like they live to be bullied and mistreated. There are so many ways to fix all these problems and help these helpless people, yet we just never choose to do those things. There is a moment in everybody's life where they will have to choose to be the hero, or be the villain. Often people will take the easy way out and become the villain. But we should all know that strength and ability are within us. We all have the potential to become those heroes; to change what the world does to these helpless people.

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