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The silence filling the car was the catalyst that allowed my self-loathing to take control. I was reliving the moments leading up to Rowan's death on repeat, and each time I found another way that I could have saved him.

I should have been suspicious of the drinks brought into the room.

I should have gone to the meeting alone.

I should have never agreed to Jackson's plan.

There were a million things that I could have done that would have prevented this from happening, but now my Beta, my closest friend, was dead. Beyond my own feelings, the grief that was coursing through the pack was enough to bring me to the brink of tears.

My fist made solid contact with the dashboard in front of me, and a scream filled with a mixture of anger and sadness cut through the quiet atmosphere surrounding Wyatt and I. He slammed on the breaks and reached across the console to pin me against my seat, "You're going to set the damn airbag off and get yourself hurt."

"Don't touch me," I struggled to free myself from his grip, my voice full of malice.

Wyatt released my arms, and let out a sigh as he slammed himself back into his own seat. I turned my face in his direction, and was met with the apologetic look that he was sending my way, "You're right, I shouldn't have done that. I'm just trying to get us both back to your territory in one piece. The last thing you're pack needs is for something to happen to you too."

"It doesn't matter what happens to me," I threw my hands up in frustration. "Rowan was the glue that held the pack together, and he's dead because of my actions."

Wyatt put the car in drive, sparing my one last glance before focusing on the road, "Whatever blame you're trying to put on yourself you have to stop because you weren't the person that killed him."

I fixed my gaze on the indention I had left on the dashboard, "I don't need you to try to convince me otherwise, you'll see soon enough that I'm right when my pack agrees with me."

As we continued the drive towards my pack house, no more words were exchanged between us. Instead, I let myself fall into an ocean of guilt and listened to the cries of my pack members through the pack link. Each of them asking for answers that I wasn't prepared to give.


The first chapter of Broken will be up on Friday, but I wanted to give you all a snippet to hold you over until then.

I'm so ready to take on this next chapter of Harley's adventure. I hope that all of you are willing to follow me on this journey.

What's one thing that you think will happen in this book?

Much love <3

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