Once a king, always a king.

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Dads. They come in various types. Many as blessings and some as lessons, but so special in their own way. One calm colourful morning of your summer break, dad takes you out for fishing and teaches you patience and success go hand in hand. You will recall it every time you come across trials. After your birthday celebration and a fabulous dinner outing, dad comes to your room to say goodnight. You notice the gift. He casually hands it over to you and says hope you like it. You open the wrapper after he leaves and there lies your most favourite book which you kept on searching in every book store but couldn't find. You wonder 'Did he really bought it by chance?'. He always knows but he never shows. Every time you open that book you will remember his face and that glistening eyes in your room all those years ago. Dads who always escape your nagging by 'Ask mom first' strategy usually ends up convincing your mom on your behalf. Some dads make you cringe even with the mention of his name and makes you hate men outright. There are dads who make you love everyone you know a little less because he always comes first. Dads who become role models, for some how to be and for some, how not to be. Dads who plan your date with you and dads who warn the guy who asked you on a date. Dads who ready you for the cruelty this world hides. Dads who are living and breathing ogre. They show you how cruel this world is. Dads who teach you how to make a perfect sandwich. Dads who wake you up with coffee made just the way you like it. Dads who build a treehouse in your childhood home for you so that you can order pizza and relax with chic lit. Dads who do your homework. Dads who buy sanitary pads for you even before you realise that it's that time of the month. He also buys a tub of Ben and Jerry's with it and sets a tough standard for all the guys you would ever date or marry to match up. Dads who empathise and sympathize with you and makes you understand that not all men are chauvinist pigs. Dads who break your family and makes you doubt even the concept of marriage and love. Some dads who make you want to get married because you wanna live the fairy tale of a married life your parents have. Dads who wait outside the trial room holding your purse while you try all the dresses you like. Dads who never say I love you in the house but you feel it when he is in there with your family. He is love. Pure unadulterated form of love you ever felt. Dads who miss your wedding for his business trip. Dads who make you miss him even more on your special day. Dads who check up on you even if you say that you are a grown-up adult now and it embarrasses you. They are secretly afraid that someday you may grow up old enough to be not his little child anymore and may not need him. But he remains silent about it. Dads who forgave you every single time you hurt him. But he never forgives the person who hurts you, his beloved kid. Dads who buy your favourite chocolates every time he comes visits but always refuses to have a bite of his share because he knows how much you like it. Dads who always give the last slice of pizza to you or your mom because that satisfies him more than anything in this world. Dads who have enough money to buy you your latest gadget crush but never for himself. He gets a new shirt only when your mom gets tired of his reconsidering and buys it for him. Dads who leave your room door ajar because you had nightmares in your childhood and is afraid of the dark. Dads who read your mind by looking at your expressions. Some dads who don't understand what you are going through even though you tell him in pristine clarity. Dads who try to be the cool dad for you even though that makes him feel like he is violating the morals he learned and followed all his life. Dads who have a stronger exterior but fragile and sensitive heart. Dads who let you learn how to navigate through life but always stands by your side to catch just in case you trip and fall. Dads who love you more than his life but keeps that a secret for his whole life. Dads who are wronged by the society by instilling in him the thought that hugging your own children after they grow up makes you a lesser man. He suppresses all his love and affection to just a pat on the shoulder. Dads who share unbreakable ties with his children even after they leave his nest. Dads who teach you that money can't buy happiness. Dads who will go to any extent to see that happy smile of yours. Dads who work hard to put bread on your plate and to make your future secure even at the cost of his ambitions. Dads who don't invite his friends home because the introvert in you don't like having guests. Dads who don't talk to your nosy neighbour because he gossips about your personal life. Dads who keep track of all your milestones and achievements. Dads who have eyes more tender than that of a newborn's. Dads who understand when another father cry like a baby when his child gets married off. Dads who make you feel safe and protected. Dads who are tough and sensitive at the same time. Dads who look at the empty armchair of his dad and says a silent prayer and thank you. Dads who strive hard to give you a better tomorrow even though he had an awful yesterday. Dads who love your babies and holds them more dear than anything else in this world because they give him a second chance to relive his memories of when you were his little one.

Dads can be of many types but if you get a good one then he will be the most amazing person you will ever know. He will be your friend, hero, guide, guardian angel, mechanic, chef, 3 am phone call when you get a panic attack, psychiatrist. All in a package.

No matter how old you get, you will always want your dad when you have the happiness to share and a tear to shed. That will be his most treasured trophy for the life he lives as your 'dad'.

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